Last modified: May 12, 2023

Altinn Studio Designer - Back-end

Application construction components used in Altinn Studio Designer backend.

On this page:

Altinn Studio Designer Back-end is a ASP.Net Core application that exposes web-API’s to be used by Altinn Studio Designer Frontend.

It is built and deployed as a Docker container running in Kubernetes.

API Controllers

The API controllers exposes the web-APIs.

They are structured in different controllers that is grouped by functional areas.

The controllers we have now are:


Services in a asp.Net application is configured services that controllers and other components used. They are defined with a interface and a implementation and configured in startup.

This makes them easy to mock out when doing integration testing of the Altinn Studio Designer backend.

The services we have now is

  • ApplicationInformation
  • ApplicationMetaata
  • AuthorizationPolicy
  • Deployment
  • Pipeline
  • Release
  • GiteaAPIWrapper
  • Repository
  • SourceControl

Model View Controllers

The model view controllers are responsible for presenting razor views where we dont use React as frontend.

We are in process with moving functionality to using only React and API Controllers.


Model Factory

Model factory is the module that generates metadata and C# models based on uploaded XSD.


Altinn Studio Designer backend uses some libraries for different functionality



Application Insight


GIT Client

The details about all libraries used can be found in the project file.