Last modified: Dec 19, 2024

Module 4

Add code lists manually, programmatically and dynamically

In this module, you’re expanding the application you made in the previous modules to support more of the requirements of the municipality of Sogndal.

Topics covered in this module:

  • Code lists/Options
  • Dynamic expressions


In many applications there is a need to provide the user with a set of response options for a data field. These options are referred to as code lists or options.

In Altinn Studio, options are supported by the radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown, and multiple select components.

There are three ways to configure code lists (add options) in Altinn:

  1. By manually adding options for the component through Altinn Studio or in the file {page}.json.
  2. By having the component fetch options from a static json-file.
  3. By dynamically generate options through application logic.

In this task, you will get to try out all three ways to configure a code list.

The municipality of Sogndal wishes to collect information on the newcomers employment. Data they wish to collect include which sector and industry the newcomer works in and how many years the newcomer has been active in the workforce.

In Altinn Studio

  1. Create a new form page to collect employment related data.
  2. Add a radio button component for Sector. Create the answer options Offentlig and Privat manually.
  3. Add a check box component for Industry. Choose Kodeliste as method for adding checkboxes and add Kodeliste ID industry. The rest of the setup for this component is done locally.
  4. Add a dropdown list for Years in work force. Add Kodeliste ID years-in-work-force. The rest of the setup for this component is done locally.
  5. Save your changes in Designer and and pull them to your local development environment.

In Local Development environment

  1. Create the directory App/options if it does not exist.

  2. The municipality of Sogndal has created a static code list for industries: industry.json. Download the file and place it in App/options.

  3. Set up the values in the code list for Years in work force as an open dynamic code list in App/options (follow the directions in the documentation).

    LabelData value
    0 - 5 years0-5
    5 - 10 years5-10
    10 - 20 years10-20
    20+ years20+
  4. Verify that all code lists works as expected.

Useful documentation

Knowledge check

Static response options are defined at build time and, as the name suggests, will remain static throughout their lifetime. Dynamic response options are retrieved at runtime and can therefore fetch values based on the time of day or other dynamic values.
Response options are by default openly accessible, and the API will be accessible to individuals who are not logged into the app. There are also no role restrictions. In certain cases, it may be necessary to expose response options that are sensitive. This is where secure dynamic response options come into play, as they provide automatic verification that the caller has read permissions (Instance.Read rights).

In some cases, the values displayed in a code list may depend on another form field.

The municipality of Sogndal wants the list of industries to be personalised based on which sector the user works in.

Requirements from the municipality

We want the user to be presented with a different set of options for the industry choice based on which sector they work in.


  1. Send a dynamic query parameter with the Industry component based on the Sector.
  2. Create a dynamic code list for Industry with logic based on the value of the query parameter (hint: you can read the industry list from the JSON file).

Useful documentation

Knowledge check

If a field in the mapping is updated, the app frontend will make a new call to fetch the code list. This allows dynamically displaying choices customized to the user’s previously entered data.
If, for example, a user has selected a municipality from a dropdown list of municipalities that is configured with a mapping to County, and then goes back and changes the County field, the selected answer in the municipality list will be cleared.

Requirements from the municipality

If the user chooses IKT (data/it) under industry, a text with a link to our overview of vacant positions should appear.

Below the industry choice, the following text should appear

Vi ser at du besitter kompetanse vi trenger i kommunen. Se en oversikt over våre ledige stillinger her.

Line 2 in the text should be a link that directs to

The text and link should only be visible if the user has chosen IKT (data/it).


  1. Add a component that can display the current text.
  2. Add dynamics to the component that make it visible only if IKT (data/it) is selected (NOTE: The text should also be displayed when multiple options are selected, as long as one of them is IKT (data/it)).
  3. Move the ‘Submit’ button to the employment section.

Useful documentation

Knowledge check

  • If you add a new function to RuleHandlerHelper - where will it run?
    • Would dynamic work without this defined?
  • What is the correlation between functions defined in RuleHandlerObject and the file RuleConfiguration.json?


In this module you have configured dropdown, radio button and checkbox components and added options for them manually, programmatically and dynamically.

The service should run on your local computer with localtest and it should be possible to select the expected option from each component.

Remember to push your local changes so that they become available in Altinn Studio


Source code Module 4

Screenshot of form collecting employment information
Screenshot of form collecting employment information

  • Add components in Altinn Studio Designer, add an appropriate header, and link the component to the correct field in the data model.

  • Adding options manually: Fill in fields in Altinn Studio Designer. In the code, it appears as follows:

  "$schema": "",
  "data": {
    "layout": [
        "id": "RadioButtons-sektor",
        "type": "RadioButtons",
        "dataModelBindings": {
          "simpleBinding": "Innflytter.Arbeidsinformasjon.Sektor"
        "required": true,
        "options": [
            "label": "arbeidsforhold.sektor.offentlig",
            "value": "offentlig"
            "label": "arbeidsforhold.sektor.privat",
            "value": "privat"
        "textResourceBindings": {
          "title": "arbeidsforhold-sektor.title"
  • Adding a static code list for industry: Place the file industry.json in App/options.

  • Adding a dynamic code list for years in the workforce:

using Altinn.App.Core.Features;
using Altinn.App.Core.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Altinn.App.AppLogic.Options
    public class YearsInWorkForceOptionsProvider : IAppOptionsProvider
        public string Id { get; set; } = "years-in-work-force";

        public Task<AppOptions> GetAppOptionsAsync(string language, Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs)
            var options = new AppOptions
                Options = new List<AppOption>
                        new() {
                            Label = "0 - 5 år",
                            Value = "0-5"
                        new() {
                            Label = "5 - 10 år",
                            Value = "5-10"
                        new() {
                            Label = "10 - 20 år",
                            Value = "10-20"
                        new() {
                            Label = "20+ år",
                            Value = "20+"

            return Task.FromResult(options);
  • Register dynamisk code list:
    // Register your apps custom service implementations here.
    services.AddTransient<IInstantiationProcessor, InstantiationProcessor>();
    services.AddTransient<IAppOptionsProvider, YearsInWorkForceOptionsProvider>();

Screenshot of form collecting employment information for the public sector
Screenshot of form collecting employment information for the public sector

To send a query parameter with the Industry component, we add a mapping to the component linked to the Sektor field in the data model:

        "id": "Checkboxes-bransje",
        "type": "Checkboxes",
        "dataModelBindings": {
          "simpleBinding": "Innflytter.Arbeidsinformasjon.Bransje"
        "required": true,
        "textResourceBindings": {
          "title": "arbeidsforhold-bransje.title"
        "optionsId": "industry",
        "mapping": {
          "Innflytter.Arbeidsinformasjon.Sektor": "sektor"
  • Dynamic code list for Industry with response options that depend on the value of sektor:
using Altinn.App.Core.Features;
using Altinn.App.Core.Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Altinn.App.AppLogic.Options
    public class IndustryOptions : IAppOptionsProvider
        public string Id { get; set; } = "industry";
        private List<AppOption> _privateOptions = null;

        public Task<AppOptions> GetAppOptionsAsync(string language, Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs)
            string sektor = keyValuePairs.GetValueOrDefault("sektor");

            if (sektor == "offentlig")
                var offentligeOptions = new AppOptions
                    Options = new List<AppOption>
                        new() {
                            Label = "Stat",
                            Value = "stat"
                        new() {
                            Label = "Kommune",
                            Value = "kommune"
                return Task.FromResult(offentligeOptions);
                if (_privateOptions == null)
                    using (StreamReader r = new("./options/industry.json"))
                        string json = r.ReadToEnd();
                        _privateOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<AppOption>>(json);

                return Task.FromResult(new AppOptions { Options = _privateOptions });
  • Register the code list in Program.cs:
    // Register your apps custom service implementations here.
    services.AddTransient<IInstantiationProcessor, InstantiationProcessor>();
    services.AddTransient<IAppOptionsProvider, YearsInWorkForceOptionsProvider>();
    services.AddTransient<IAppOptionsProvider, IndustryOptions>();

Screenshot of form collecting employment information for the private sector
Screenshot of form collecting employment information for the private sector

  • Add a text display component. Logic has been added to the component to hide it if “IKT (data/IT)” is not selected. The value 491 for the field is retrieved from the industry.json file. The ‘Submit’ button has also been moved to this page.
   "id": "info-it-kompteanse",
   "type": "Paragraph",
   "textResourceBindings": {
      "title": ""
   "hidden": ["notContains", ["component", "Checkboxes-bransje"], "491"],
   "dataModelBindings": {}
   "id": "send-inn",
   "type": "Button",
   "textResourceBindings": {
      "title": "button.send-inn"
  • Add text resource:
"id": "",
"value": "#### Vi ser at du besitter kompetanse vi trenger i kommunen. <br><br> [Se en oversikt over våre ledige stillinger her.]("