Last modified: Jul 2, 2024

Module 7

Standalone extensions of the app

NOTE: This module is still under development. Come back later and it will probably be even better!

In this module there are a collection of standalone extensions of the application. They do not require being solved in order.

Topics covered in this module:

  • Summary page
  • Stateless application
  • Variables in text
  • Use of external API
  • Configuration of message box
  • Presentation texts


Requirements from the municipality

The municipality of Sogndal are experiencing an issue where some submissions contain incorrect information and typos that create unnecessary work for the caseworkers. To avoid people submitting incorrect information, the municipality wishes that the user is presented with a summary page displaying the filled out information.

The municipality of Sogndal wants to use the categories Personalia for the users personal information and Work for the users work history.

Useful documentation

Knowledge check

  • Why should the summary page be ignore in the PDF generation?

Requirements from the municipality

The municipality of Sogndal has discovered that there is a lot of traffic from people who do not meet the requirements of the application. For each of these users an instance is created and saved to the database. This creates unnecessary expenses.

Therefore, Sogndal wants the information page to be shown as a “stateless” part of the application, and that you from here can choose to create an instance if you meet the requirements.

Useful documentation

Knowledge check

  • What data is saved for stateless applications?

Requirements from the municipality

IT competence is highly sought out. In module 4 we set up a tailored offer for those with IT competence.

The municipality of Sogndal has had a look on the numbers and seen that this is generating insufficient traffic to the job postings. To try to improve this, we want the offer to be even more tailored.

We want the original text:

We see that you have competence we need in Sogndal.
Here is an overview of our vacant positions.

to now include a personal touch with the users name. The text we now want displayed is:

Hi, {submitters name}! We see that you have competence we need in Sogndal.
Here is an overview of our vacant positions.

The last line of the text should still be a link to the vacant positions.

Useful documentation

Knowledge check

  • What is displayed as part of the text about the relevant variable, but has now value in the data model?

In some cases, you will have to use external API’s to cover all the needs of an application. This could be to populate dropdown lists or to present data to the user based on the information they have provided.

In this task you will implement a client that integrates with Bring’s APIs to populate the address the user submits with a postal city based on the postal code.

The API that will be used is an overview of postal codes made available by Bring. Feel free to test it in your browser with different postal codes.


Requirements from the municipality

  • Address info should be collected through standard-input components, not through Altinn’s address component
  • Postal city should be prefilled for the user when the postal code has been submitted
  • Postal city should be immutable.
  • The number of calls to Bring’s API should be limited to maximum of once a day per postal code

Useful documentation

Consumption of external API

Knowledge check

  • How many times maximum will you make an API call in 24 hours with a memorycache if the application is running with three replicas?

Requirements from the municipality

Useful documentation

Knowledge check

Requirements from the municipality

Useful documentation

Knowledge check

Requirements from the municipality

Useful documentation

Knowledge check