Last modified: Apr 12, 2024

Dashboard in Altinn Studio

How to use the dashboard


In the dashboard there is a possibility to select which context you want to filter applications on. This is done by clicking on the profile icon at the rop right of the dashboard.

Profile icon
Profile icon

Here you are presented with a menu of the available contexts. The context can be an organisation you are a part of, everything, or just yourself.

Context menu
Context menu

If you select a given organisation only applications from the selected organisation will be shown in the repository list.

Chosen context
Chosen context


From the dashboard you have easy access to your favorite applications. These favorites reflect the “Star”-concept in Gitea, and any repository starred in Gitea will automagically appear as a favorite in the dashboard. These applications will always be displayed at the top of the dashboard and be independent of the chosen context.

Favorites in dashboard
Favorites in dashboard

You have the option to add or remove favorites by marking the applications you want by toggling the star icon.

Mark as favorite
Mark as favorite

From the dashboard you have the possibility to search for all the applications you have access to. The results will appear in the table below.
