Last modified: May 28, 2024

Design principles

When developing or improving existing products we follow a set of principles to ensure usability and accessibility for all. We recommend following these principles when developing new services.

  1. The users needs are our main priority We use insights into the users needs actively in the development of our products. All solutions should focus on solving real problems for our users and we use surveys and user insights in our decision making process.
  2. Hiding complexity We create focused and simplified solutions and peel away unnecessary complexity for our users. Our solutions allow complex background operations, that don’t impeed ease of use and simplicity for the end user.
  3. Holistic user experiences Our products should be interconnected to create a holistic user experience. We use a consistent language and the same components in all our digital solutions so that the users are familiar with all parts of our platform.
  4. Visual design that motivates The visual design should contribute to ensuring clear and concise dialog between the user and the agency. We use a friendly colour palette, a simple UI, obvious interaction elements and clear illustrations to create a good atmosphere. All visual considerations should have a clear purpose of creating a specific effect.
  5. Accessibility for all We strive to create digital solutions that are accessible by everyone. We reuse components in a way which optimizes accessibility - technically and in terms of interaction and visual design.