Last modified: May 28, 2024

Entering the form

To make the user experience as best as possible you should think about how you link between your agency and the Altinn-app.

User testing has shown that when users engage with an agency or municipalities’ website to fill out a form and they are redirected to Altinn, they often experience “suddenly i was in Altinn”. Because of this, entrances forms should be presented in a way where it is clear that you will be sent to Altinn, while avoiding unnecessary intermediate steps. “Start application” should link directly to the form. The user experience will then be completed to a greater extent in the current context, with Altinn being used as a solution for submitting and tracking its history.

Example to how to present a form from an agency or municipal website
Inngang til et skjema i Altinn bør presenteres tydelig

*Integrated components

In close cooperation with central service providers we are planning to offer components which can be used on their websites to enable completing forms in their current context.

The users of Altinn want both a solution for where they are and a common overview. Both options should be available but handled differently depending on their needs.