Last modified: Oct 2, 2024

Code lists (options)

How to configure Options / Code lists for an app?

Altinn offers two different ways an application can use code lists - static and dynamic. Both is primarily exposed through the options api from application, and are available at {org}/{app}/api/options/{optionsId}. Checkbox, Dropdown, and RadioButton components will automatically be able to fetch such lists if you connect the component to the option id in question. Not all dynamic code list have to be fetched from the options api - we can also have code lists based on the values from a repeating structure in the datamodel.

Connect the component to options (code list)

This is done by adding the optionId you would like to refer to either through the component UI in Designer or directly in FormLayout.json as shown below:

  "id": "some-dropdown-component",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {},
  "dataModelBindings": {},
  "optionsId": "countries"

Save label value in the datamodel

Sometimes you might wish to save the displayed value in the users chosen language to simplify creation of simple presentations of data without addtional lookups or a requirement to remember the label the user actually picked in case it have changed over time.

This is performed by having a separate dataModelBindings with the key "label": in addition to "simpleBinding":

  "id": "dropdown-component",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "soknad.nyGaranti.loyvetype",
  "optionsId": "biler"

Pass query parameters when fetching options

Options supports query parameters when making the api call, the parameter language is added automatically.

Pass static query parameters

You can add static query parameters by setting the queryParameters property on the component:

  "id": "some-dropdown-component",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "NyGarantiLoyvetype"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "soknad.nyGaranti.loyvetype"
  "required": true,
  "optionsId": "loyvetyper",
  "queryParameters": {
    "loyvetype": "garanti"

In the example above the parameter ?loyvetype=garanti will be added to the request.

Pass dynamic query parameters based on the data model

You can add dynamic parameters by setting the mapping property on the component:

  "id": "some-dropdown-component",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "NyGarantiLoyvetype"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "soknad.nyGaranti.loyvetype"
  "required": true,
  "optionsId": "loyvetyper",
  "mapping": {
    "soknad.transportorOrgnummer": "orgnummer"

In the example above, the query parameter orgnummer={nr}, where {nr} is the value of soknad.transportorOrgnummer will be set. If an option is setup with mapping and the given data field changes app-frontend will refetch the option. This can be used to dynamically decide which choices are available based on information given by the end user.

Passing query parameters from repeating groups is also supported by adding an index indicator for the relevant indexes. Example for a group:

  "id": "dropdown-group",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Select city"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "Group.City"
  "required": true,
  "optionsId": "cities",
  "mapping": {
    "Group[{0}].Country": "country"

For nested groups follows the same pattern but with an additional index indicator for the nested group:

  "id": "dropdown-nested-group",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Select city"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "Group.SubGroup.City"
  "required": true,
  "optionsId": "cities",
  "mapping": {
    "Group[{0}].SubGroup[{1}].Country": "country"

For a complete example of how this is setup see our demo app.

Applies to applications using version 7.4.0 or older of the nuget packages -

During PDF-generation the app will try to call the same option endpoint as app-frontend does. We currently have a weakness where mapping parameters not are included in this request, see issue #7903.

A possible workaround here is to return an empty array when the PDF-generator asks for options with empty query params, example:

string someArg = keyValuePairs.GetValueOrDefault("someArg");
string someOtherArg = keyValuePairs.GetValueOrDefault("someOtherArg");

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(someArg) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(someOtherArg)) {
  return await Task.FromResult(new List<AppOption>());

Notice that this wil result in the option value and not the label being present as the end users answer.

Store metadata for the parameters used to retrieve options in tha datamodel

You can store metadata for the parameters used to retrieve options in the datamodel by setting the metadata property on the components dataModelBinding property:

  "id": "some-dropdown-component",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "NyGarantiLoyvetype"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "soknad.nyGaranti.loyvetype",
    "metadata":  "soknad.transportorOrgnummer"
  "required": true,
  "optionsId": "loyvetyper",
  "mapping": {
    "soknad.transportorOrgnummer": "orgnummer"

This configuration will store the metadata of the retrieved options as a comma separated string in the field soknad.transportorOrgnummer in the datamodel.

Description and HelpText

description and helpText is supported by options in apps that use version v7.8.0 or higher. description and helpText can be displayed by the components RadioButtons and Checkboxes by providing the option list with the mentioned properties.

Descriptions and HelpTexts can be provided to options in the same way that a label is provided, in either static or dynamic code lists. One can also use them in options based on repeating groups in the source attribute.

    "value": "norway",
    "label": "Norge",
    "description": "This is a description",
    "helpText": "This is a help text"
    "value": "denmark",
    "label": "Danmark"
var options = new AppOptions
  Options = new List<AppOption>
    new AppOption
      Label = "Ole",
      Value = "1",
      Description = "This is a description",
      HelpText  = "This is a help text"
    new AppOption
      Label = "Dole",
      Value = "2"

Descriptions and help texts used in options based on repeating groups can be set up with dynamic text-resources in the same way as labels, described in options based on repeating groups.

  "id": "checkboxes-component-id",
  "type": "Checkboxes",
  "source": {
    "group": "",
    "label": "checkboxes.label",
    "description": "checkboxes.descripiton",
    "helpText": "checkboxes.helpText",
    "value": "[{0}].someField"