Last modified: Jan 11, 2025

Dynamic code lists

Generated runtime by custom C# code

In an Altinn 3 app you can also have dynamic code lists that are generated runtime. This makes it possible to have dynamic lists that are filtered or looked up in external sources. Dynamic code lists can either be public (accessible to all, without authentication), or secured and limited to those with read access to the instance.

For public code lists, implement the IAppOptionsProvider interface, while for secured code lists, implement the IInstanceAppOptionsProvider. The approach is the same for both, and the model returned is the same. The implementation is kept separate to avoid exposing values that should be secured.

Public code lists

Below you find an example of how to implement a public code list provider.

using Altinn.App.Common.Models;
using Altinn.App.PlatformServices.Options;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Altinn.App.Core
    public class CountryAppOptionsProvider : IAppOptionsProvider
        public string Id { get; set; } = "countries";

        public Task<AppOptions> GetAppOptionsAsync(string language, Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs)
            var options = new AppOptions
                Options = new List<AppOption>
                        new AppOption
                            Label = "Norway",
                            Value = "47"
                        new AppOption
                            Label = "Sweden",
                            Value = "46"

            return Task.FromResult(options);

For your implementation to work up you need to add the following line in your Program.cs:

services.AddTransient<IAppOptionsProvider, CountryAppOptionsProvider>();

The result of this implementation will be available at the endpoint {org}/{app}/api/options/countries. The identifier can be used in components, so to use the code list in a Dropdown component you can set optionsId as in the following example:

  "id": "dropdown-component",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Some title"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "some.field"
  "optionsId": "countries"

Secured code lists

If you need to generate sensitive code lists, you can implement the IInstanceAppOptionsProvider interface. This ensures that the user access is validated based on read rights defined in the authorization policy specified in the policy.xml file. Below you’ll find an example of how to implement a secured options provider.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Altinn.App.Common.Models;
using Altinn.App.PlatformServices.Models;

namespace Altinn.App.Core
    public class ChildrenAppOptionsProvider : IInstanceAppOptionsProvider
        public string Id { get; set; } = "children";

        public Task<AppOptions> GetInstanceAppOptionsAsync(InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier, string language, Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs)
            // ...
            // Some custom code to get the list of children from the instance owner
            // ...

            var options = new AppOptions
                Options = new List<AppOption>
                        new AppOption
                            Label = "Ole",
                            Value = "1"
                        new AppOption
                            Label = "Dole",
                            Value = "2"
                        new AppOption
                            Label = "Doffen",
                            Value = "3"

            return Task.FromResult(options);

For your implementation to work you need to add the following line in your Program.cs:

services.AddTransient<IInstanceAppOptionsProvider, ChildrenAppOptionsProvider>();

The result of this implementation will be available at the endpoint {org}/{app}/instances/{instanceOwnerId}/{instanceGUID}/options/children. The identifier can be used in components, so to use the code list in a Dropdown component you can set optionsId as in the following example. It is also important to set the secure property to true to indicate that this is a secured code list.

  "id": "dropdown-component",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Some title"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "some.field"
  "optionsId": "children",
  "secure": true

Query parameters

The options endpoint you create supports query parameters. The language parameter is sent automatically, and other parameters can be sent from the component configuration. These can be read from the keyValuePairs parameter in the implementation. This can be useful to filter the code list based on data in the data model, or in other ways vary the code list based on context.

As an example, consider a form with two Dropdown components that are linked together. The first lets the user choose a county, and the second lets the user choose a municipality. The municipalities shown in the second component should be filtered based on the county selected in the first component. This can be solved by sending the county as a query parameter to the code list for municipalities (and then filter the list based on this parameter in your implementation).

Based on expressions

Query parameters based on expressions are available from app-frontend version 4.9.0 or higher. If your app is using the rolling release of major version 4, this is already available.

You can add both static and dynamic parameters by setting up queryParameters on the component:

  "id": "dropdown-component",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Some title"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "some.field"
  "optionsId": "countries",
  "queryParameters": {
    "country": "norway",
    "orgnumber": ["dataModel", "some.orgnumber"],
    "adult": ["greaterThanEq", ["dataModel", "some.age"], 18]

In the example above the parameter country=norway will always be added to the request (this is entirely static and will not change). The parameter orgnumber={nr} will be added, where {nr} is the value of the field some.orgnumber in the data model. The parameter adult={bool} will be added, where {bool} will be either true or false based on whether the value of the field some.age is greater than or equal to 18.

More examples of expressions can be found in the dynamics documentation, and the full list of available functions can be found in the expression reference overview.

Based on the data model

This approach is discouraged. From app-frontend version 4.9.0, it is possible to use the queryParameters property instead. As explained above, queryParameters enables you to include both static and dynamic query parameters through expressions, offering greater flexibility compared to mapping.

At some point, the mapping property will be removed, but when that happens tools will be provided to migrate existing configurations to use queryParameters instead.

You can add dynamic parameters by setting the mapping property on the component:

  "id": "some-dropdown-component",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "NyGarantiLoyvetype"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "soknad.nyGaranti.loyvetype"
  "required": true,
  "optionsId": "loyvetyper",
  "mapping": {
    "soknad.transportorOrgnummer": "orgnummer"

In the example above, the query parameter orgnummer={nr}, where {nr} is the value of soknad.transportorOrgnummer will be set. If an option is setup with mapping and the given data field changes app-frontend will refetch the option. This can be used to dynamically decide which choices are available based on information given by the end user.

Passing query parameters from repeating groups is also supported by adding an index indicator for the relevant indexes. Example for a group:

  "id": "dropdown-group",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Select city"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "Group.City"
  "required": true,
  "optionsId": "cities",
  "mapping": {
    "Group[{0}].Country": "country"

For nested groups follows the same pattern but with an additional index indicator for the nested group:

  "id": "dropdown-nested-group",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Select city"
  "dataModelBindings": {
    "simpleBinding": "Group.SubGroup.City"
  "required": true,
  "optionsId": "cities",
  "mapping": {
    "Group[{0}].SubGroup[{1}].Country": "country"

For a complete example of how this is setup see our demo app.

Things to consider

  • The GetAppOptionsAsync method accepts a language code through the language parameter. Language codes follow either the ISO 639-1 standard or the W3C IANA Language Subtag Registry. While ISO 639-1 may have conflicting usages for certain codes, the W3C IANA registry builds on ISO 639-1 and ensures the uniqueness of its codes.
  • An app can have many implementations of these interfaces, one for each option list. The correct implementation is found by looking at the code list identifier that is requested, and comparing it to the Id property in the implementation. This is also the identifier used in the optionsId property in the component configuration. Therefore, the Id property in the implementation must be unique per app.
  • It may be tempting to implement a dynamic option list that fetches data from the data model and produces the option list based on this. This is not recommended, as the app frontend only fetches the option list once for each unique set of query parameters. This means that the user interface showing the option list will not update in line with changes in the data model.
  • If you use query parameters, it may be wise to consider how many unique combinations of parameters will typically be used in the app. If there are many, consider using a different approach such as fetching all data and filtering valid values in the frontend using optionFilter. Many different combinations of query parameters can lead to the app having to do a lot of unnecessary work to fetch new option lists every time the user makes a change in the form.