Reference documentation for Altinn Studio
- Data
Data model configuration, pre-filling and other items related to data in an app.
- App User Interface
Configuring components, layouts, pages, grid, etc.
- Logic
How to add, change and configure application logic such as validation, calculation, dynamics and more
- Configuration
Configuring different aspects of an app.
The apps developed in Altinn Studio can expose both standard and custom APIs, and take advantage of APIs. Here are guides on how to do it.
- Testing of apps
Applications (apps) can be tested in the test environment, or locally.
- Altinn Studio CLI
Command line tool for upgrading Altinn Apps
- Deployment of apps to production
App owners can deploy their applications themselves.
- Process handling
The Application template supports defining a business process for the digital service.
- Monitoring
Altinn app instrumentation and monitoring.
- Access management
How to get access to Altinn Studio, app secrets and app logs.