Last modified: May 28, 2024

Hide instances

Configuration for hiding instances from the message box.

For applications with a complex process flow it can be useful to hide instances from the message box during parts of, or the whole, process.


The configuration has a retroactive effect and will also apply to previously created instances.

Configuration for hiding instances is defined in applicationmetadata.json, which you can find in ythe application repository in the folder App/config.

Add a new section called messageBoxConfiguration with the child property hideSettings.

HideSettings can consist of one of two properties

hideOnTaskA list of tasks where the instance should be hidden from the messagebox.
hideAlwaysA boolean indicating that the instance should always be hidden.


The configuration for an application where instances should be hidden on Task_1 and Task_3, but be visible for all other process tasks.

"messageBoxConfig": {
  "hideSettings": {
      "hideOnTask":["Task_1", "Task_3"]

The configuration for an application that should never be shown in the message box:

"messageBoxConfig": {
  "hideSettings": {