Last modified: May 28, 2024

Define custom process hooks

Define custom logic to be executed berfore or after a task is started/ended

The functionality described on this page requires version v7 or newer of altinn nugets.

It’s possible to execute custom code when tasks in the process is started, ended or abandoned. All registered classes will be executed for each task so if you want your code to only be executed when one specific task starts/ends you need to take this into account when writing your code.

Execute custom code when tasks is started

To execute custom code when a tasks starts, before Altinns standard logic you need to write a class implementing Altinn.App.Core.Feature.IProcessTaskStart and register it as a transient.

It is possible to add multiple classes implementing the interface, all of them will be executed each time a task in the process starts.

View the interface here

Execute custom code when tasks is ended

To execute custom code when a tasks is ended, before Altinns standard logic you need to write a class implementing Altinn.App.Core.Feature.IProcessTaskEnd and register it as a transient.

It is possible to add multiple classes implementing the interface, all of them will be executed each time a task in the process ends.

View the interface here

Execute custom code when tasks are abandoned

To execute custom code when a tasks is abandoned, before Altinns standard logic you need to write a class implementing Altinn.App.Core.Feature.IProcessTaskAbandon and register it as a transient.

It is possible to add multiple classes implementing the interface, all of them will be executed each time a task in the process is abandoned.

View the interface here