⚠️ Dynamic behaviour is an area under active development. This functionality is currently available as a beta feature in
Altinn Studio and offers limited configuration options. The UI only allows to build expressions with one level of
nesting, meaning an unlimited number of un-nested expressions can be combined using either the OR or AND operator.
However, the tool allows to edit more complicated expressions by freestyle writing. Currently the tool is also limited
to connecting expression to boolean component fields.
See Expressions in Altinn Studio on how to use Altinn Studio
to configure an expression.
Dynamic expressions enable the definition of simple dynamic behavior in an Altinn 3 app, such as defining whether a form
field should be shown or hidden, whether the field should be required or read-only.
These expressions are available in all Altinn 3 apps that use frontend version
3.54.0 or later. By using this version or the
latest major version, you can use dynamic expressions for several use cases.
Starting from version 7.2.0 of the nuget packages the expressions are also
supported in the backend. This means that the server will be able to evaluate the expressions and remove data upon
submission that is potentially stored in the data model /*9+and is associated with
fields/components that are later hidden. Note that this only applies to data in the data model that is associated with
hidden components - data in the data model that is not associated with components (and is thus implicitly hidden from
the user) will not be automatically removed.
It also makes it possible to omit submitting data that is otherwise associated with required fields - if these required
fields are hidden in the form using dynamic expressions. This also applies when submitting directly from the API.
Note: Note that automatic removal of hidden data must currently be manually activated (opt-in) by adding the following
line to App/appsettings.json after upgrading the nuget packages
to 7.2.0 or later:
The expressions are built up as a kind of mini-programming language, where everything is defined in JSON. The
expressions themselves are always a list (array) of values, where the first value in each list is always a
function name. The rest of the values are sent as input/arguments to the function.
["equals", "foo", "bar"]
In the example above, the strings “foo” and “bar” are compared. They are different, so the result of this expression is
a boolean value; false.
This function, equals, expects to receive two strings as input/arguments. It is also
possible to give it another expression as the second argument. If you do this, the expression will be interpreted so that
the innermost functions are executed first, and the outermost ones are executed last
["equals", ["component", "firstName"], "John"]
In this example, the innermost expression/function call [“component”, “firstName”] is executed first. If the value of
the “firstName” component is equal to the string “John”, the function returns the boolean value “true”.
If you then use this expression for the hidden property of a component, the component will be hidden if you enter “John”
in the “firstName” component elsewhere in the application:
"id": "lastName",
"type": "Input",
"hidden": ["equals", ["component", "firstName"], "John"]
There are no limitations on how large/deep the expressions can be. As an exercise, see if you can read what this
expression does, and what possible values it can return:
["greaterThanEq", ["component", "age"], 16],
["lessThan", ["component", "age"], 62],
"Please consider applying for our open position!",
["concat", "At ", ["component", "age"], ", you are eligible for retirement"]
["concat", "At ", ["component", "age"], ", you should stay in (pre)school"]
The expression checks the value of a hypothetical component with ID “age”. If the person is 16 years
or older, for example 45 years old, the text “Please consider applying for our open position!” is returned if the age is
less than 62. Otherwise, the text “At 45, you are eligible for retirement” is returned. If the person is younger than
16, the text “At 5, you should stay in (pre)school” is returned, assuming the age is 5.
Please consider applying for our open position!
For a person who is 62 years old, the text returned is:
At 62, your are eligible for retirement
And for a person who is 15 years old (or younger, such as a 4-year-old), the text returned is:
At 4, you should stay in (pre)school
Use Cases
Dynamic expressions are currently available for use in these properties, as defined in layout files.
* = The values that can be overridden with textResourceBindings vary from component to component, but will work wherever
used. For repeating groups, you can find more information here
Here we change the text of the edit button in a repeating group based on whether IsPrefill is set to true in a given
address in the data model. If IsPrefill is true for an address, the row displaying that address will have an edit
button with the text "View". If IsPrefill is false, the button text will be "Edit" for that specific row.
It is worth to mention that if a lookup on IsPrefill returns null (not found), the result is converted to false
when used in an if. Read more about this in the sections on if and data types
When writing an expression, it’s useful to have an idea of what the result will be and whether the expression is valid.
Invalid expressions will give a warning in the JavaScript console in the browser when the page loads, so it’s a good
idea to have this console open when developing an application and testing expressions locally.
It’s also possible to test the execution of an expression directly in the developer tools. This is done by pressing
Ctrl + Shift + K (or Cmd + Shift + K on Mac) and navigating to the expression tab. Expressions may behave differently
depending on the component they are evaluated near. Therefore, you can also select a component to be used as context when
evaluating the expression in the developer tools.
Note: This describes some implementation details in
app-frontend-react and is only relevant when testing an expression in
the developer tools that depends on a known position in a repeating group. This may change in the future, and such
changes will not affect expressions defined in an application. The context is retrieved from where the expression is
defined in the layout file.
Imagine a repeating group for people with two fields: name and age. Given the
following expression:
["component", "age"]
What will the age be? It may vary depending on which group evaluates the expression. If there are two groups/rows, both
the name and age components will exist twice. These will have IDs name-0 and age-0 (for the first row) and
name-1 and age-1 (for the second row).
Imagine the following data is filled in a repeating group:
Component ID
Component ID
Given the following expression:
["component", "age"]
And with these assumptions:
No context has been given (or the expression is placed on a component that is not near an age component)
The expression is evaluated in the context of name-0
The expression is evaluated in the context of name-1
What will the result be in the different examples? Here are the answers:
This will find the “first and best” age component and thus find age-0. It therefore returns 24, Per’s age.
Here, we try to search in the context of the name component on the first row, and again we find 24, Per’s age.
In the last example, we have specified the second row in the repeating group by evaluating in the context of name-1.
Here we find the closest age component age-1, which is 36, Kari’s age.
These functions are available for use in expressions:
This function is only available on the backend when using nuget packages
version 8.6.0-preview.3 or later. In the frontend, this function is available in version 4.17.0 and above, including the latest
rolling release.
The compare function is a generic comparison function that can be used to compare two values. The function takes three
or four arguments. The first and last arguments are always the values to compare. The arguments in the middle must be
a valid operator, optionally preceded by a not to invert the comparison.
Some examples:
["compare", 5, "greaterThan", 3]
["compare", "foo", "equals", "bar"]
["compare", 5, "not", "equals", 3]
The function returns a boolean value based on the comparison. The accepted data types for comparison depend on the
operator used. For example, the operator equals can compare strings, numbers, and booleans, while
greaterThan and lessThan can only compare numbers.
These two functions compare two strings to check if they are equal (equals) or not equal (notEquals). If you send in
values other than strings, the values are converted and compared as strings (read more about conversion here).
This function takes in a boolean value or something that can be converted to a boolean value and
returns the opposite boolean value. True becomes false, false becomes true.
The function can be useful if you want to invert an expression. Instead of thinking about writing an expression that
hides a component given certain conditions, you can wrap the expression in not and write the expression based on what
is needed to show the component:
These 4 functions expect two input numbers and compare whether the first is compared with the second. That is, for
the function greaterThan, the expression is true if the first number is greater than the second.
Is the first number greater than the second number?
Is the first number greater than or equal to the second number?
Is the first number less than the second number?
Is the first number less than or equal to the second number?
If any of the arguments to these functions are null, the result will be false (regardless of whether it is
the first or second argument).
This function takes 0 or more strings as arguments and returns a string where all the strings in the arguments are
concatenated. If the function is called without any arguments, it returns an empty string.
Note that the function doesn’t automatically add spaces or commas when concatenating strings. To provide a more readable
result, it’s recommended to add dashes where necessary:
["concat", "Congratulations on your ", ["component", "age"], "th birthday!"]
The expression above gives the text Congratulations on your 18th-birthday! if the value in the age component was 18.
In the concat-function, null-values are interpreted as empty strings. Boolean values
are output as the strings “true” and “false”.
The if function can be used to branch an expression so that the return value is controlled by the result of another
boolean expression. The function can be called in two different ways: with 2 or 4 arguments:
In alternative 1, the return value of the function will be the value given as the second argument
if the first argument is true (true). If not, it returns the value null.
In alternative 2, the return value of the function will be the value given as the second argument
if the first argument is true (true). If not, it returns the value given in the fourth argument. You must always
provide the string "else" as the third argument if you want to call the function with 4 arguments. The third argument
is only there to make the expression more readable and serves no other function.
If you want more conditions and possible return values, you can nest multiple if calls inside the second or fourth argument:
["greaterThan", ["component", "birthYear"], 1945],
"You were born after the World Wars",
["greaterThanEq", ["component", "birthYear"], 1939],
"You were born during World War II",
"You were born before World War II" ]
If the current language is unknown, nb will be returned, which is the default language for Altinn 3 apps.
Therefore, you can be confident that this function always returns a valid language.
Note: This function is not yet available in backend code. Consequently, it will generate an error message if used in
places where expressions run on the backend, and if the functionality to automatically delete hidden data
(RemoveHiddenDataPreview) has been enabled.
The startsWith function checks if the string provided as the first argument starts with the string given in the second
argument. Similarly, the endsWith function checks if the first string ends with the second string.
All functions start and end with an empty string, so startsWith and endsWith will always return true if using an
expression like ["startsWith", "...", ""]. This is crucial to consider when using the value of a component or a lookup
in the data model as the second argument.
No strings start or end with a null value. If an expression like this is used:
the result will always be false as long as the first name is not provided. However, as mentioned earlier, if the first
name is set to an empty string (for example, if the user has erased their first name), the expression will return true
if a full name is set. To avoid some of this behavior, you can use the if function together with equals to check if
something is set to an empty string.
This function is only available on the backend when using nuget packages
version 8.6.0-preview.3 or later. In the frontend, this function is available in version 4.17.0 and above, including the latest
rolling release.
The function stringIndexOf takes two arguments: a string and a substring. It returns the index of the first occurrence
of the substring in the string. If the substring is not found, the function returns null.
This function is only available on the backend when using nuget packages
version 8.6.0-preview.3 or later. In the frontend, this function is available in version 4.17.0 and above, including the latest
rolling release.
The function stringSlice takes a string as the first argument (the subject string) and one or two numbers as the
second and third arguments (the start index and optional length). It returns a substring of the subject string starting
at the index given in the second argument. If a third argument is provided, the substring will be of the length given in
the third argument.
This example returns a substring of the full name starting at the 5th character and with a length of 3. If the full name
is “John Doe”, the function will return “Doe”.
This function is only available on the backend when using nuget packages
version 8.6.0-preview.3 or later. In the frontend, this function is available in version 4.17.0 and above, including the latest
rolling release.
The function stringReplace takes three arguments: a string, a substring to replace, and a replacement string. It returns
a new string where all occurrences of the substring in the string are replaced with the replacement string.
These two functions check whether string A includes or does not include string B.
Both contains and notContains are case-sensitive. This means that the string “Hei” does not include “hei”. If you
want to compare regardless of case, you can use the functions lowerCase or upperCase
along with contains or notContains.
The function commaContains takes two arguments. The first argument is a comma-separated string, and the second argument
is the string you want to check if it’s among the comma-separated values in the first argument.
Note that any spaces before/after commas or before/after the first value are ignored. This function is particularly
useful in cases where you use a component that stores multiple values in a comma-separated string, such as Checkboxes
and MultipleSelect.
The functions lowerCase and upperCase take a string as input and return a new string where all characters are
converted to lowercase or uppercase, respectively.
["lowerCase", ["dataModel", "My.Model.LastName"]]
These functions provide a simple way to convert between lowercase and uppercase letters within a string.
One use case could be combining one of these functions with other comparison functions so that the comparisons are done
regardless of whether uppercase or lowercase letters were used in the input value.
These functions are only available on the backend when using nuget packages
version 8.6.0-preview.3 or later. In the frontend, these functions are available in version 4.17.0 and above, including the latest
rolling release.
The functions lowerCaseFirst and upperCaseFirst take a string as input and return a new string where the first
character is converted to lowercase or uppercase, respectively.
The function round rounds a number to an integer or, optionally, to a decimal number with a configurable number of
decimal places.
Example of rounding to 2 decimal places:
["round", "122.99843", "2"]
Example of rounding to the nearest integer:
["round", "3.4999"]
The return value from this function is a string, allowing it to be used for display purposes (note that the decimal
separator is always a period). Even though the return value is a string, it can also be used further in expressions that
expect numeric input.
The function text takes a key as an argument and uses this key to retrieve the corresponding text from a text resource.
The function returns the value associated with the specified key.
["text", "min-nøkkel-id"]
Note: Remember to manually test with text keys that contain variables. It’s not guaranteed that these will work as
Note: This function is not yet available in backend code. Therefore, it will generate an error message if used in
places where expressions run on the backend, and if the functionality to automatically delete hidden data
(RemoveHiddenDataPreview) has been enabled.
The function displayValue looks up a component and returns a formatted text string representing the value in the data
model. This differs from the component function, which returns the raw value in the data model.
This function is best suited for displaying a component’s value to the user and less for further logic based on the
returned value. This is particularly relevant for Input fields with number formatting,
date fields, radio buttons (and other components with code lists), etc.
["displayValue", "component-id"]
Note: This function is not yet available in backend code. Therefore, it will generate an error message if used in
places where expressions run on the backend, and if the functionality to automatically delete hidden data
(RemoveHiddenDataPreview) has been enabled.
This function allows retrieving information about the current instance. The following keys can be used as the first argument:
Example Value
Current instance ID
Current actor ID
Type of actor owning instance
"org", "person", "selfIdentified", or "unknown"
ID of the active app
All these lookups will return a value of null if working in a stateless context.
Using keys other than those listed above will result in an error message. This behavior is unique among lookup functions
to ensure that information not (yet) exposed via a key here is not attempted to be retrieved from the instance.
Provide feedback if you wish to retrieve instance data not available in this function.
The lookup is performed in the same data source available for language/texts.
Note: The data source is named applicationSettings when used in language/texts, but the values must always be
stored under the key FrontEndSettings in appsettings.{environment}.json. For this reason, the function has been named
frontendSettings here to indicate that lookups cannot be performed in the rest of appsettings.{environment}.json.
This function is only available on the backend when using nuget packages
version 8.6.0-preview.3 or later. In the frontend, this function is available in version 4.17.0 and above, including the latest
rolling release.
This function allows counting the number of elements of a given data type in the current instance. The first argument
must be a string that is defined as a data type in applicationmetadata.json. The function will return the number of
elements of the given data type in the current instance.
For example, if you have a FileUpload component uploading files to the Attachment data type, you can use this
function to count the number of attachments currently uploaded. Likewise, you can count the number
of subform elements by referencing the data model id.
This lookup function enables retrieving values directly from the current data model. The first and only argument must
point to a location in the data model and uses the same dot-separated format as used in dataModelBindings. When used
within repeating groups, there’s no need to use placeholders for indexes within
the group - the expression automatically finds the relative position within the context of a repeating group.
Please note that lookups only function against data types already supported in the expressions. If one looks up
an object or a list/array in the data model using the dataModel function, the result will always be null.
This functionality may change, as there are plans to support objects and lists in the expressions in the future.
The first lookup (to control hidden on the component employee-name) is governed by the age of each employee. If
the employee is under 18 years old, employee-name is hidden. Note that the same path in the data model is used as
simpleBinding on employee-age.
The second lookup (to control hidden on the component employee-age) uses [0] in the data model lookup. This
also works, but the behavior might be unexpected; here, all age components are hidden if the name of the first
employee is Ola Nordmann.
Direct lookups on a component are, in many ways, similar to lookups in the data model using dataModel.
An expression that looks up the value of a component will search for the component and return the value stored in its
simpleBinding in the data model. Currently, no other values are supported besides the one stored against
simpleBinding (if other values are desired, one must directly access dataModel).
However, a lookup on a component will return null if the component whose value is being looked up is hidden
(even if the component otherwise has associated data in the data model). This, to some extent, allows controlling the
display of a component based on whether another component is visible or not. If the component is found on a completely
different (yet hidden) page, the lookup also yields null, even if the data model has a value associated with the component.
Similar to dataModel, lookups on a component ID will attempt to find the component in the vicinity
of the expression within the context of repeating groups. It will first search for the
component in the current row before looking up through the page structure.
This function is only available on the backend when using nuget packages
version 8.6.0-preview.3 or later. In the frontend, this function is available in version 4.0.0 and above, including the latest
rolling release.
The formatDate function takes a date as its first argument, and a format as its second argument.
The format argument is an optional string that supports some tokens in
Unicode Tokens.
These are the tokens we support:
Before Christ, Anno Domini
B, A
44, 1, 1900, 2017
44, 01, 00, 17
044, 001, 1900, 2017
0044, 0001, 1900, 2017
Extended year
-43, 0, 1, 1900, 2017
Extended year
-43, 01, 1900, 2017
Extended year
-043, 001, 1900, 2017
Extended year
-0043, 0001, 1900, 2017
1, 2,…, 12
01, 02,…, 12
Jan, Feb, …, Dec
January, February, …, December
Day of month
1, 2, …, 31
Day of month
01, 02, …, 31
Day of week
Mon, Tue, Wed, …, Sun
Day of week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, …, Sunday
Day of week
M, T, W, …, S
a.m., p.m.
Hour [1-12]
1, 2, …, 11, 12
Hour [1-12]
01, 02, …, 11, 12
Hour [0-23]
1, 2, …, 22, 23
Hour [0-23]
01, 02, …, 22, 23
1, 2, …, 59
01, 02, …, 59
1, 2, …, 59
01, 02, …, 59
Fractional second
0, 1, …, 9
Fractional second
00, 01, …, 99
Fractional second
000, 001, …, 999
If the format argument is not provided, the function will use a default format that varies by language.
As with all dates/times, they will be converted to the local timezone when a timezone offset (or UTC) has been provided.
For this reason, expressions evaluated on the frontend and the backend may differ when the local timezone in the browser
is different from the local timezone in the backend.
The linkToPage function can be used to create links that can be used inside text in a form. It is meant to create links
that point to a specific page of the form. Clicking this link will navigate directly to the specified page.
The function takes 2 arguments. The first argument is the link text which will be visible for the user. The second argument
is the id of the page the link should point to.
["linkToPage", "Specify your name", "page1"]
Would result in <a href="#/instance/<party-id>/<instance-id>/<TaskId>/page1">Specify your name</a>
When clicked, this link will take the user to the specified page.
The linkToComponent function can be used to create links that can be used inside text in a form. It is meant to create links
that point to a specific component of the form. Clicking this link will navigate directly to the component, giving it focus.
The function takes 2 arguments. The first argument is the link text which will be visible for the user. The second argument
is the id of the component the link should point to.
["linkToComponent", "Specify your name", "inputMyName"]
Would result in <a href="#/instance/<party-id>/<instance-id>/<TaskId>/<PageId>?focusNodeId=inputMyName">Specify your name</a>
When clicked, this link will take the user to the page the component is on and focus on the specified component.
The optionLabel function can be used to retrieve the text/label of an option in a code list. The text will automatically
be translated to the user’s selected language (if the label is a text resource), so there is no need to pass the result
through the text function.
The function takes 2 arguments. The first argument is the code list id, and the second argument is the code list value
to find in the code list.
["optionLabel", "countries", "no"]
Make sure the code list id is a plain string, and not a nested expression. The code value however, can be a
nested expression, i.e. look up from a path in the data model.
If no matching code list value is found, the function will return null.
Like argv, the value function is also a method for retrieving arguments sent to the expression. The function can be used
without arguments to retrieve a value, or with an argument to retrieve other types of values. This is currently available
for filtering of options and will soon be available
as an alternative to argv in expression-based validation.
This expression retrieves the value of the option (if used in filtering options). In other contexts, this expression currently
returns an error message.
["value", "label"]
The expression above retrieves the text of the option (if used in filtering options). In other contexts, this expression
returns an error message.
Data Types
Expressions in the functions expect that the arguments sent in have a specific type. If an argument sent in has a
different type than expected, the value is attempted to be converted to the correct type. For instance, the function
equals expects two strings, but if you send in the boolean value true as either argument, it works fine too because
the boolean value true is converted to the string "true".
["equals", true, "true"]
The expression above works and yields true as a result (because true and "true" are compared as the same value by
converting true to "true" before comparison). This also allows calling a function that returns one datatype and,
for example, comparing it with a completely different datatype. Read more about which datatypes can be converted to what
All functions expecting a specific datatype as an argument will also function if you send in null.
However, in some cases, using a null value may result in an error message – for instance, attempting to look up in the
data model with ["dataModel", null]. In the concat function, however, a null value is interpreted as an empty string.
Strings contain arbitrary text and are a broad datatype that can be converted from numbers and boolean values.
Some strings can also be converted to other datatypes:
All other strings not listed in the table above will result in an error if attempted to be converted to other types.
Numeric values refer to positive and negative integers and decimal numbers. Some strings are also automatically converted
to a numeric value, as shown in the table for strings above. For a string to be successfully converted to a number, the
string must meet the following criteria:
The string contains only a number, with no other text before or after it.
A negative sign (-) can be used, but a positive sign (+) is not supported.
Decimal numbers must be represented with a period, not a comma.
Thousands separators or other number formatting are not supported.
All other strings will result in an error if attempted to be converted to a number. Attempting to convert a boolean value
to a number will also result in an error.
Functions expecting a numeric input can also receive null. See more about its impact in the description of
each function.
Boolean Values
Boolean values include true (true) and false (false). When calling a function expecting a boolean value, certain
other types can also be passed, which are converted to a boolean value:
The numbers 1 and 0 function as true and false, respectively.
The strings "1" and "0" function similarly to the numbers (and become true and false, respectively).
The strings "true" and "false" are also converted to a boolean value.
All other values will result in an error if passed to a function expecting a boolean value. Note that these rules differ
slightly from the rules for strings. Thus, there is a difference between values that can be interpreted as
a boolean value for a function expecting a boolean argument and values that are equal to a boolean value. The function
equals compares values as strings, so the number 1 and the string "1" will be considered equal, but
it will not recognize 1 and true as equal values.
It might appear that the following expressions are similar:
If the value (here obtained from the lookup ["dataModel", "hideName"]) is true or "true", the component will be hidden.
However, if the value is 1 or "1", the component will only be hidden with expressions in options 1 and 3. This is because
the result in the hidden expression is converted to a boolean value, and
ifexpects a boolean value as the first argument. However, equals compares the values as strings, and
"1" is not equal to "true".
Most places where a string, number, or boolean value is expected should also
handle a null value. Null values indicate that a specific value is missing, and there is a difference between a null
value, an empty string, and the number0.
If you perform a lookup in a function like dataModel, and the value you are searching for is not found/set, usually
null will be the result.
Dates can be strings (or DateTime/DateOnly in the C# data model). Only certain date/time formats are
accepted in expressions when parsed from a string, as allowed by ISO 8601 (e.g., 2023-10-30T14:54:00.000Z).
2023-10-30T14:54:00.000 (assumed to be in the local timezone)
2023-10-30T14:54:00 (assumed to be in the local timezone, without milliseconds)
2023-10-30 (Date only, assumed to be midnight in the local timezone)
2023 (Year only, assumed to be midnight January 1st in the local timezone)
It is important to note that dates including a timezone offset (or Z for UTC) are converted to the local timezone
when used in expressions. This means that using the formatDate function to format a date might yield different results
on the frontend and backend if the timezone on the server is different from the user’s timezone in the browser.
For this reason, it may be preferable to specify dates and times without a timezone offset or Z if you want the
date/time to be displayed the same way regardless of the user’s timezone. Likewise, when comparing dates, it is
recommended to only compare dates in the same timezone.
Tips and Tricks
Show/Hide Entire Pages
Expressions can be used to show/hide entire pages. In the example below, the entire page will be hidden if a component
(on one of the other pages) has the value no or is not set.
If the page you are on is hidden, the application will automatically move to the next available page in the page order.
If all the next pages are hidden, the first possible page in the order will be displayed instead.
String or smaller String Comparison?
The way expressions are evaluated might seem strict (for example, 0 and null are considered different values when
compared with equals). This is a design choice made in Altinn for two reasons:
Strict rules are clear rules. The expressions are more likely to provide an error message if something is not as
expected rather than leaving you wondering why things turned out the way they did.
If the expressions treat many different values as equal, it takes away your ability to differentiate between them
if you want to.
If a less-strict comparison is desired, one can construct an expression using the or function to recognize
several different values:
Additionally, note that conversion to boolean value allows for more alternatives than strings
(as expected by equals). Given that the or function expects boolean values as arguments, and the values 0,
false, and null are already accepted as boolean values, the following will function similarly to the expression above: