Last modified: Feb 25, 2025


A component that lets you group Accordions

🚧 This documentation is a work in progress.


AccordionGroup is used to group related Accordion components.


  1. AccordionGroup: Grouping of two or more Accordion components.
  2. Header: The clickable section title that users interact with to expand or collapse the content.
  3. Content Area: The area that expands or collapses, revealing or hiding additional information when the header is clicked.

Note: Header and content area are properties of the Accordion child elements.


childrenarrayAn array with the component ID of all components belonging to the group. Enum: "Accordion"


Add component

You can add a component in Altinn Studio Designer by dragging it from the left-side panel to the middle page area. Selecting the component brings up its configuration panel on the right-hand side.

Settings in Altinn Studio Designer

We are currently updating Altinn Studio with more configuration options! The documentation is continuously updated, but more settings may be available than described here, and some settings may be in beta.

    Property settings available in Altinn Studio Designer.

    NB! To avoid an error message, the children property must be added to the component’s code. See Add child elements

    AccordionGroup setting panel
    AccordionGroup setting panel

    • Komponent-ID (id): Automatically generated component ID (editable).

    Corresponding settings in the page’s JSON file.

    NB! To avoid an error message, the children property must be added to the component’s code. See Add child elements
      "data": {
        "layout": [
            "id": "accordion-group",
            "type": "AccordionGroup"

    Add child elements

    Specify which components of type Accordion you want to group by adding their component ID’s to the children property as shown below. The Accordion components must be added to the same page. The order of the components in the group is given by the order of the component ID’s in children.

        "data": {
          "layout": [
              "id": "accordion-group",
              "type": "AccordionGroup",
              "children": [


          "$schema": "",
          "data": {
            "layout": [
                "id": "accordion-group",
                "type": "AccordionGroup",
                "children": [
                "id": "accordion1",
                "type": "Accordion",
                "textResourceBindings": {
                  "title": "Lorem ipsum"
                "children": [
                "id": "accordion2",
                "type": "Accordion",
                "textResourceBindings": {
                  "title": "To avsnitt"
                "headingLevel": 2,
                "children": [
                "id": "paragraph1",
                "type": "Paragraph",
                "textResourceBindings": {
                  "title": "text.loremIpsum"
                "dataModelBindings": {}
                "id": "paragraph2",
                "type": "Paragraph",
                "textResourceBindings": {
                  "title": "Dette er et avsnitt."
                "dataModelBindings": {}
                "id": "paragraph3",
                "type": "Paragraph",
                "textResourceBindings": {
                  "title": "Dette er et annet avsnitt."
                "dataModelBindings": {}
                "id": "ok-button",
                "type": "Button",
                "dataModelBindings": {},
                "textResourceBindings": {
                  "title": "OK"

        AccordionGroup example closed
        AccordionGroup example closed

        AccordionGroup example open
        AccordionGroup example open