Last modified: Sep 24, 2024


Overview over the CustomButton component

⚠️ Custom actions is under active development. This functionality is not configurable directly in Altinn Studio yet, and must be configured manually in the JSON files.


The CustomButton component provides a way to define custom behaviour tied to the clicking of a button. The component lets you define a list of actions that will be executed when the button is clicked. These actions are separated into two types: ClientActions and ServerActions. The ClientActions are executed on the client-side, and have predefined functionality such as navigating to a new page. The ServerActions are executed on the server-side, and have entirely custom functionality that you define yourself. The ServerActions can also return a list of ClientActions which execute after the server-side action has finished.


Client actions are predefined functionality that can be executed on the client-side. They are called by adding an action to the actions propertiy of the CustomButton component. It is important to specify that the action is a ClientAction by setting the type property to ClientAction. This is how you do that:

  "id": "custom-button",
  "type": "CustomButton",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "custom-button-title"
  "dataModelBindings": {},
  "actions": [
      "id": "nextPage",
      "type": "ClientAction"

Client actions can also receive parameters. You can pass a parameter to a client action by using the metadata property. The object metadata will be passed to the function as an argument. This is how you do that:

  "id": "custom-button",
  "type": "CustomButton",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "custom-button-title"
  "dataModelBindings": {},
  "actions": [
      "id": "navigateToPage",
      "type": "ClientAction",
      "metadata": {
        "page": "page-2"

A client action exists for the purpose of closing a subform. You can add the option to validate before exiting. A standard use case would be to have two buttons in the subform, e.g. Exit and Done, where Exit would not validate. This will allow the user to return to the main form without having to fill out the subform. Here is how you would add a button with this action:

  "id": "close-subform-done",
  "type": "CustomButton",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "custom-button-title"
  "actions": [
      "type": "ClientAction",
      "id": "closeSubform",
      // Validation is optional
      "validation": {
        "page": "all",
        "show": ["All"]

These are the available ClientActions:

Function nameParametersBehavior
nextPage-Will navigate to the next page, if it exists
previousPage-Will navigate to the previous page, if it exists
navigateToPage{ page: string }Navigates to the specified page if it exists
closeSubformoptional validationCloses the subform and returns to the main form


Server actions are entirely custom, and can be configured to do whatever you want. This is how you define a ServerAction:

  1. Define a custom ServerAction that implements the IUserAction interface:

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Altinn.App.Core.Features;
    using Altinn.App.Core.Models.UserAction;
    namespace Altinn.App.Actions;
    public class FillAction : IUserAction
       public string Id => "fill";
       public async Task<UserActionResult> HandleAction(UserActionContext context)
           // Do whatever you want here
           // Return a UserActionResult:
           var userActionResult = UserActionResult.SuccessResult(new List<ClientAction>());
           // Return an updated datamodel if any fields have changed:
           userActionResult.AddUpdatedDataModel(dataId, data);
           return userActionResult;
  2. Register your custom server action in the Program.cs class

    services.AddTransient<IUserAction, FillAction>();
  3. Add the server action to the actions property of the CustomButton component:

      "id": "custom-button",
      "type": "CustomButton",
      "textResourceBindings": {
        "title": "custom-button-title"
      "dataModelBindings": {},
      "actions": [
          "id": "fill",
          "type": "ServerAction"

Returning client actions

A ServerAction can also return a list of ClientActions that will be executed on the client-side after the server-side action has finished. This is useful if you want to navigate to a new page after the server-side action has finished. This is how you do that:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Altinn.App.Core.Features;
using Altinn.App.Core.Models.UserAction;

namespace Altinn.App.Actions;

public class FillAction : IUserAction
   public string Id => "fill";

   public async Task<UserActionResult> HandleAction(UserActionContext context)
       var userActionResult = UserActionResult.SuccessResult(new List<ClientAction> { ClientAction.NextPage });

       return userActionResult;

Order of execution:

The actions are executed in the order they are defined in the actions property of the CustomButton component. If a ServerAction returns a list of ClientActions, these will be executed after the server-side action has finished, and before the next action in the list is executed. You can chain as many actions as you want together.

Instructions for Adding serverAction to Desired Process Step

  1. Adding serverAction to “Task_1” in the process.bpmn file: Open the process.bpmn file and add serverAction to the desired process step, such as “Task_1”:

     <bpmn:task id="Task_1" name="Utfylling">
             <altinn:action type="serverAction">fill</altinn:action>
  2. Adding serverAction id to desired step in the policy.xml file: Navigate to the policy.xml file to add the serverAction id to the desired step, such as “Task_1”:

         <xacml:Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
             <xacml:AttributeValue DataType="">fill</xacml:AttributeValue>
             <xacml:AttributeDesignator AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id" Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:attribute-category:action" DataType="" MustBePresent="false"/>