Last modified: Nov 22, 2024


Button or link to redirect the user to an external page.

The link component can be used to redirect the user to an external page. It can be rendered as either a button or a link.


The link component has the following properties:

textResourceBindings.titlestringThe title of the button or link.
textResourceBindings.targetstringThe URL to redirect to.
textResourceBindings.downloadstringWhen set, target is downloaded instead of navigated to. Value is downloaded filename. Use blank string for default filename.
openInNewTabbooleanWhether to open the URL in a new tab or not.
stylestringThe style of the button. Can be one of the following: primary, secondary , link.


  "id": "some-id",
  "type": "Link",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Confirm in",
    "target": ""
  "openInNewTab": false,
  "style": "primary"

Dynamic URL

In some cases you may want to have more information in query parameters like the instance id so that you can redirect the user back to the instance from your external page. This can be done by using an expression in the target property. See the following example:

  "id": "some-id",
  "type": "Link",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Confirm in",
    "target": [
      ["instanceContext", "instanceId"]
  "openInNewTab": false,
  "style": "primary"


Let’s say you need to offer a PDF for download, and that PDF content is found in the data model as a base64 encoded string. Then you can use target and download to present a link or button for the user to download the file:

  "id": "some-id",
  "type": "Link",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Download PDF",
    "target": [
      ["dataModel", "Path.To.Pdf"]
    "download": "downloadFilename"
  "openInNewTab": false,
  "style": "secondary"

Here downloadFilename is looked up as a language resource. It could contain variables like all language resources. target could also have been a language resource using a variable instead of an expression as it is here.

Environment configuration

If your external service has multiple environments, and you want your app to redirect to the correct environment based on the environment the app is running in, you can configure this in the appsettings.[environment].json files in your app. In the following example, I will configure two different urls depending if the app is running in the staging or production environment.


  "FrontEndSettings": {
    "redirectUrl": ""


  "FrontEndSettings": {
    "redirectUrl": ""


  "id": "some-id",
  "type": "Link",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Confirm in",
    "target": [
      ["frontendSettings", "redirectUrl"],
      ["instanceContext", "instanceId"]
  "openInNewTab": false,
  "style": "primary"