Last modified: Oct 2, 2024

Layout sets

How to set up multiple layouts or forms in the same app.

This is new functionality. Setup must be done manually as of today. Support for setup through Altinn Studio will be coming shortly.


To get functionality for multiple forms in a service, the nuget-version of the packets the app uses must be upgraded to version 3.1.4 or newer. See instructions on how that is done here.

A key to the solution is that there are multiple layout-sets that consists of one or more pages and configurations. Each layout-set consists of the same files as a form service.

|- App/
  |- ui/
    | - layout-sets.json
    |- form-a/
      |- Settings.json
      |- RuleHandler.js
      |- RuleConfiguration.json
      |- layouts/
        |- page1.json
        |- page2.json
        |- page3.json
    |- form-b/
      |- Settings.json
      |- RuleHandler.js
      |- RuleConfiguration.json
      |- layouts/
        |- page1.json
        |- page2.json
        |- page3.json  

In layout-sets.json it is defined which steps in the process (task) where a given layout-set should be used. Note that the ID is case sensitive, so if you have a capital letter in the folder name, the ID must reflect this. We recommend lower case letters in folder names.


  "$schema": "",
  "sets": [
      "id": "form-a",
      "dataType": "schema_4222_160523_forms_212_20160523",
      "tasks": [

      "id": "form-b",
      "dataType": "schema_3161_140411_forms_1549_11554",
      "tasks": [