Last modified: Aug 13, 2024

Create apps

Altinn Studio is our new tool for developing digital services, aka apps. These can be anything from simple forms to very advanced applications.

Who can use Altinn Studio?
Anyone can log into and check out the possibilities!
You have to be a service owner in Altinn and accept the conditions for Altinn in public cloud to be able to deploy apps to the production environment.

If you have questions or feedback, then you can contact us on Slack or GitHub, or just keep on reading this documentation.

Get started

Follow these steps to start developing apps in Altinn Studio.

  1. Create user
  2. Learn to navigate Altinn Studio
  3. Create an application in Altinn Studio
  4. Get to know Altinn Studio Designer
  5. Prepare for local development

Go to intro course
Go to intro course

App development

Create and edit apps in Altinn Studio.

DataUser interfaceConfigurationLogicAPI


How to perform specific tasks related to app development in Altinn Studio.

DesignTestingCopy appAccess managementMigrate from Altinn 2

App examples

Draw inspiration from applications developed by Digdir or external organizations.


Documentation for applications developed by Digitaliseringsdirektoratet.


Applications created by external organizations.

Next steps