Last modified: Aug 8, 2023

Configure behavior during startup

How to configure app behavior during startup of app-frontend

In applicationmetadata.json there is an option to configure the user interface when a user navigates to a direct link to the application. This is done in the field where you have the possibility to set the values new-instance (default) or select-instance. Standard behaviour if this field is not present is to create a new instance for the user.

Select from active instances

Notice: in order to use this functionality the application must reference version >= 4.15.2 of the nuget packages Altinn.App.PlatformServices, Altinn.App.Common and Altinn.App.Api.

If the field is set to select-instance the user is presented with a list of active instances for the selected reportree when navigating to the application.


The following configuration is added to applicationmetadata.json to configure select from active instance.

  "id": "ttd/demo-app",
  "org": "ttd",
  "title": {
    "nb": "Starte fra aktiv instans"
  "onEntry": {
    "show": "select-instance"

For users that do not have any active instances, a new instance will be created, while users that have active instances will be presented with the following user interface:

User interface for selecting active instances
User interface for selecting active instances

Configure instance selection page

Notice: in order to use this functionality the application must reference version >= 7.13.0 of the nuget packages Altinn.App.core and Altinn.App.Api.

Using the field onEntry.instanceSelection, you can further customize the instance selection page. The following options are available:

  • sortDirection: Choose between asc or desc to sort the instances ascending or descending. Default is asc.
  • rowsPerPageOptions: Choose which options the user can choose between when deciding how many instances to show per page. Default is [10, 25, 50].
  • defaultSelectedOption: Choose which option should be selected as default when the user opens the instance selection page. The value must be a number that is used as an index to select a value in rowsPerPageOptions. Default is 0.

Configuration Example

The following configuration is added to applicationmetadata.json to configure the instance selection page.

  "id": "ttd/demo-app",
  "org": "ttd",
  "title": {
    "nb": "Starte fra aktiv instans"
  "onEntry": {
    "show": "select-instance",
    "instanceSelection": {
      "sortDirection": "asc",
      "rowsPerPageOptions": [10, 25, 50, 100],
      "defaultSelectedOption": 1

Configured user interface for selecting active instances
Configured user interface for selecting active instances