Last modified: Sep 18, 2023


How to add logic to be run when a new instance is created?

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Application logic connected to instantiation can be defined in InstantiationHandler.cs. For a completely new app, two functions will be implemented in this class:

  • RunInstantiationValidation - create your own tests for determining whether a user/submitter is allowed to instantiate.
  • DataCreation - create customized prefill data.

Custom validation rules for instantiation

As previously mentioned, tests for instantiation are defined in RunInstantiationValidation Access to Register- and Profile-services are included in the InstantiationHandler.cs-file, which allows test to be run against these. Validation rules for instantiation can include validating a time to specific user instructions and complex tests that require external API calls.

Example 1 - Instantiation only allowed before 3 pm on any given day

public async Task<InstantiationValidationResult> RunInstantiationValidation(Instance instance)
    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
    if (now.Hour < 15)
        return new InstantiationValidationResult()
            Valid = false,
            Message = "ERROR: Instantiation not possible before 3PM."

    return null;

Example 2 - Instantiation only allowed for application owner

The application this example is based on is available here. (requires login in

To limit instantiation to a given entity, in this case the application owner, two files must be changed: App.cs and InstantiationHandler.cs.

Changes to app.cs
Changes to app.cs

In App.cs the http-context is made available and user data (claims principals) is retrieved from the context by calling _httpContext.User.

To validate the instantiation, you can check one of two claims in the context. Either the organization’s three-letter abbreviation or the organization number. The validation is run in InstantiationHandler.cs and the example below uses the organization abbreviation.

To validate based on organization number you can follow the example below, and replace AltinnCoreClaimTypes.Org with AltinnCoreClaimTypes.OrgNumber. You can see the changes required in the file below.

Changes to instantiationHandler.cs

public async Task<InstantiationValidationResult> RunInstantiationValidation(Instance instance, ClaimsPrincipal user)
    var result = new InstantiationValidationResult();
    string org = string.Empty;

    if (user.HasClaim(c => c.Type == AltinnCoreClaimTypes.Org))
        Claim orgClaim =
          user.FindFirst(c => c.Type == AltinnCoreClaimTypes.Org);
        if (orgClaim != null)
            org = orgClaim.Value;

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(org) && org.Equals("ttd"))
        result.Valid = true;
        result.Valid = false;
        result.Message =
          "Only ttd is allowed to instantiate this application.";

    return await Task.FromResult(result);

Example 3 - Instantiation only allowed between certain dates

To limit instantiation to a certain time frame, in this example January 2021, one file requires changes:InstantiationHandler.cs.

The method RunInstantiationValidation will run whenever someone tries to instantiate the application, so logic is placed here to verify that the time is within the allowed frame.

public async Task<InstantiationValidationResult> RunInstantiationValidation(Instance instance)
    InstantiationValidationResult result = null;
    DateTime now = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central European Standard Time"));
    if (now < new DateTime(2021, 01, 01))
        result = new InstantiationValidationResult
            Valid = false,
            Message = "Application cannot be instantiated before 1.1.2021"
    else if (now > new DateTime(2021, 01, 31))
        result = new InstantiationValidationResult
            Valid = false,
            Message = "Application cannot be instantiated after 25.1.2021"
    return await Task.FromResult(result);

Logic connected to date handling has been added to ensure the Norwegian time zone is being used in the validation.

DateTime now = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central European Standard Time"));

Furthermore, a simple test is run to see if the current time is within the given time frame

(now < new DateTime(2021, 01, 01)

If the requirements are not met, the return object is populated with an InstantiationValidationResult object that contains two fields: Valid: a boolean that says if the instantiation is valid or not. Message: a string that can contain an error message if it is not valid.

 result = new InstantiationValidationResult
            Valid = false,
            Message = "Application cannot be instantiated before 1.1.2021"

In addition you have the opportunity to use property ValidParties: a list of the parties that are allowed to instantiate the application.

The result of a failed validation is shown below:

Instantiation pre allowed time frame
Instantiation pre allowed time frame

Instantiation post allowed time frame
Instantiation post allowed time frame