Last modified: Feb 19, 2024

Table configuration

Configuration for the table that is shown above repeating groups

Separate title for table view

Items in repeating groups that are not in editing mode are shown as a table. This table view has limited space for long prompts. A shorter prompt for table views can be set by defining tableTitle in textResourceBindings for each component in the repeating group.


  "type": "Input",
  "textResourceBindings": {
    "title": "Enter your full name",
    "tableTitle": "Name"

Widths, alignment and overflow for columns

Using the tableColumns property makes it is possible to configure the width, text alignment, and number of lines to show in a cell for columns.

  • width - set to a string value containing a percentage, ex: "25%", or "auto" (default).
  • alignText - choose between "left", "center" or "right" to align text in table cell accordingly.
  • textOverflow - is used to control behaviour when text content is too large for a table cell.
    • lineWrap - set to false in order to turn of linebreaking. Default is true.
    • maxHeight - sets number of lines before overflowing text is hidden with an ellipsis (…). "maxHeight": 0 results in turning off linebreaking.
  • editInTable - set to true to enable editing of the component in the table view. Default is false. See more about this in the section describing this functionality.
  • showInExpandedEdit - set to false to hide the component in the expanded edit view. Default is true. See more about this in the section describing this functionality.


  "tableHeaders": [
  "tableColumns": {
    "streetAdress": {
      "width": "20%",
      "alignText": "left",
      "textOverflow": {
        "lineWrap": true, 
        "maxHeight": 1
    "postalNumber": {
      "alignText": "right"
    "city": {
      "width": "auto",
      "alignText": "left",
      "textOverflow": {
        "lineWrap": true,
        "maxHeight": 3

Example for column options
Example for column options

Sticky table headers

    The table headers can be made sticky by setting the stickyHeaders property to true. This will make the headers stick to the top of the table when scrolling. This is useful for tables with a lot of rows, where the headers are not visible when scrolling down.

    Example for sticky header
    Example for sticky header

    Showing components directly in the table

    It is possible to show components directly in the table view. This is done by setting editInTable to true for the component in question, via the tableColumns property. This is useful for components and groups that are not very complex, and where it is not necessary to show the component in the expanded edit view. Visually, this can make the repeating group functionality resemble some configurations of the Grid component, but allows the user to add/remove rows from the table - and allows for storing the data in a repeating structure in the data model.

    Example of editing in table
    Example of editing in table

    There are several levels of configuration to allow editing in the table. It is possible to allow a combination of editing in the table and editing in the expanded edit view. It is also possible to hide some components in the expanded edit view and only allow editing in the table.

    Editing all fields in table

    If you want to set up a repeating group where all possible fields should be editable in the table, there is a shortcut for this. By setting edit.mode to onlyTable, all fields in the table will be editable. Note that not all components that can be shown in a repeating group are supported in the table. See a full list of components that are supported in table mode in the documentation for the Grid component.

    Example of editing all fields in table

    The example above shows a repeating group configuration where all fields are editable in the table. Note that the button for editing a row disappears in this mode, since all fields are editable directly in the table.

    Editing some fields in table

    It is also possible to set up a repeating group where some fields are editable in the table, while others are only editable in the expanded edit view. This is done by setting editInTable to true for the components that should be editable in the table, and showInExpandedEdit to false for the components that should be hidden in the expanded edit view. See details on how to set this up in the documentation for tableColumns above.

    Example of editing some fields in table

    The example above shows a repeating group configuration where some fields are only editable in the table (first name and last name), one component is editable in both the table and the expanded edit view (age), and the last component is only editable in the expanded edit view (address).

    The Group component configuration for the example above is as follows:

        "id": "myRepeatingGroup",
        "type": "RepeatingGroup",
        "children": ["fornavn", "etternavn", "alder", "fullt-navn", "adresse"],
        "tableHeaders": ["fornavn", "etternavn", "alder"],
        "tableColumns": {
          "fornavn": {
            "editInTable": true,
            "showInExpandedEdit": false
          "etternavn": {
            "editInTable": true,
            "showInExpandedEdit": false
          "alder": {
            "editInTable": true
        "textResourceBindings": {
          "add_button": "person"
        "dataModelBindings": {
          "group": "RepGroup.Personer"
        "id": "myRepeatingGroup",
        "type": "Group",
        "children": ["fornavn", "etternavn", "alder", "fullt-navn", "adresse"],
        "tableHeaders": ["fornavn", "etternavn", "alder"],
        "tableColumns": {
          "fornavn": {
            "editInTable": true,
            "showInExpandedEdit": false
          "etternavn": {
            "editInTable": true,
            "showInExpandedEdit": false
          "alder": {
            "editInTable": true
        "maxCount": 99999,
        "textResourceBindings": {
          "add_button": "person"
        "dataModelBindings": {
          "group": "RepGroup.Personer"