Design and planning
To make the service as good as possible for the users, it is important to start by focusing on the users and understand their needs. Before you start developing, we recommend that you create a prototype and perform a user test.
The pages for design and planning is currently only available in norwegian.
- Preliminary considerations
Before you do anything else you should gather the project group and start by defining your problem. What is it that you are trying to solve and for whom?
- Prototype
By using the Figma Community file Altinn Studio Komponenter you can create a clickable prototype where you can design the flow and content for your service.
- User testing
It is always a good idea to do user testing in multiple stages of a project. Through user testing you measure if your solution corresponds to the needs of the users. Doing this early in the project is a good investment, since you save time and money by avoiding developing a solution that doesn't match what it was trying to solve.
- Guidelines
We want to achieve consistent user experiences across services created in Altinn. To achieve this, we ask you to use our guidelines in your app design. You are welcome to contribute to the further development of the guidelines.