Last modified: May 31, 2024


Altinn App metrics, telemetry and trace logs are available in Azure Application Insights.

Setting up custom rules and alerts is currently not available to application owners, but we are aiming to support this during the Fall of 2024.

Azure Application Insights (AI) is an extension of Azure Monitor and is what we use in Altinn to provide Application Performance Monitoring features for apps.

AI can provide you as an app developer with valuable insights into the health, performance and usage of your app. With real-time monitoring and performance analytics, developers can identify and resolve issues before they impact the user experience. Error tracking and alerts* makes AI a valuable resource during operations as well.

Illustration of AI graphs
Illustration of AI graphs

The Altinn team has access to all of the telemetry logged by the application that the app owners also have access to. In addition we monitor the infrastructure components for each application owner such as Kubernetes cluster, storage account and key vault.

As a main rule the Altinn team has action plans for alerts related to the infrastructure that is required to run the apps i.e CPU exhaustion in the application cluster or a pod is in an error state in the cluster.

Altinn does not actively monitor the performance or failure rates of individual applications.