Using System User for System Providers
System User is a new concept for API authentication. This guide describes how system providers can use it.
The background of the system user concept can be read about here.
For a system provider to use system user, the following prerequisites must be met:
- Agreement with Maskinporten as a consumer
- Agreement with Digdir that provides access to the system register
- Delegated access to the scope for registering a system in the system register:
If you want to use the provider-controlled flow for creating a system user, you need the following scopes to create requests and check status:
Additionally, access to scopes for the APIs that the system will use is required. This information will be held by the service owner.
Setting up Maskinporten integration
To consume public APIs with system users, you need to register at least one MaskinPorten integration. This can be done in the collaboration portal or via API.
Registering a system
The first step after gaining access to the system register is to register the system.
The system is typically web-based software available in the market, which end customers (businesses) can use for communication with the public sector.
The system must be described with the following properties:
This is a unique ID used to identify the software. Valid characters are a-z 0-9 and _
The ID must start with the supplier’s organization number. The example below shows with the Digitalization Directorate’s organization number.
This is information about the supplier. ID is in the format 0192:{orgnr}
0192 is a reference to the Entity Register in the Electronic Address Scheme
The name of the system must be provided in English (en), Bokmål (nb), and Nynorsk (nn). The name can be the same in all languages.
The name is presented on Altinn pages during system user registration.
Description describes the system. It can be presented on Altinn pages for information to end users.
Provided in English, Bokmål, and Nynorsk.
Rights describe which services the system needs rights to function. These are references to applications in the Altinn platform or services outside Altinn registered with Altinn.
The required rights will depend on the use case.
The example below shows a system that needs access to the service Claims and Payments from the Tax Directorate, which is registered in the Altinn resource register.
Later, System User will support access packages, which are a collection of rights across services within an area.
These are the client IDs for the integration created in Maskinporten.
Only logins with Maskinporten integrations linked to the specified client IDs are allowed.
Example from TT02
The example shows the system registered for the demo application SmartCloud in the TT02 test environment.
"Id": "991825827_smartcloud",
"Vendor": {
"ID": "0192:991825827"
"Name": {
"en": "SmartCloud",
"nb": "SmartCloud",
"nn": "Smart SKY"
"Description": {
"en": "SmartCloud Rocks",
"nb": "SmartCloud er verdens beste system.",
"nn": "SmartSky er vestlandets beste system"
"Rights": [
"Resource": [
"value": "kravogbetaling",
"id": "urn:altinn:resource"
"AllowedRedirectUrls": [ "" ],
"ClientId": [ "a2ed712d-8188-4471-839f-80ae4a68146b" ]
URL to register
URL to update this system (ID must be changed for other systems)
For production, change the domain to
See also example application for registering a system.
Sending a request to create a system user to a business
As a system provider, you can ask your customers to create a system user with the necessary rights. This provides easy onboarding of new customers.
To do this, you must be assigned the scope altinn:authentication/systemuser.request.write
System User only supports businesses as customers.
External ref
This is used as an external reference by the system provider. If not set, it is automatically set to the organization number.
Reference to the system.
Organization number of the system provider’s customer.
A list of rights the system user needs access to. It is currently described with a reference to the resource.
This URL is used after the end user has accepted the request.
"externalRef": "313725138_2024",
"systemId": "991825827_smartcloud",
"partyOrgNo": "313725138",
"rights": [
"resource": [
"value": "ske-krav-og-betalinger",
"id": "urn:altinn:resource"
"redirectUrl": ""
URL to register
For production, change the domain to
Maskinporten authentication
When the system needs to authenticate as the system user for the customer, the JWT grant request to Maskinporten must contain information about the customer.
JWT Grant
"aud": "",
"sub": "fc9a8287-e7cb-45e5-b90e-123048d32d85",
"authorization_details": [
"systemuser_org": {
"authority": "iso6523-actorid-upis",
"ID": "0192:310385980"
"type": "urn:altinn:systemuser"
"scope": "krr:global/",
"iss": "fc9a8287-e7cb-45e5-b90e-123048d32d85",
"exp": 1718124835,
"iat": 1718124715,
"jti": "89365ecd-772b-4462-a4de-ac36af8ef3e2"
JWT Token
"authorization_details": [
"type": "urn:altinn:systemuser",
"systemuser_org": {
"authority": "iso6523-actorid-upis",
"id": "0192:314168267"
"systemuser_id": ["ebe4a681-0a8c-429e-a36f-8f9ca942b59f"],
"system_id": "matrix_test"
"scope": "krr:global/",
"iss": "",
"client_amr": "private_key_jwt",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"exp": 1718175135,
"iat": 1718175015,
"client_id": "fc9a8287-e7cb-45e5-b90e-123048d32d85",
"jti": "-SpfU--1Zn_Oqvkpjwu3oVn--VLcPzSAwjqyiP6zBEw",
"consumer": {
"authority": "iso6523-actorid-upis",
"ID": "0192:314330897"
See also documentation at Maskinporten.
Using system user token against API
The token received from Maskinporten is attached as a bearer token to the APIs being called.
Testing system user in TT02
To test system user in TT02, the following is required:
- System provider registered in Maskinporten. Done via
- System provider registered in Altinn. Done via
- System integration registered in Maskinporten test.
For creating system users, test users/organizations from Tenor can be used.
Using system user token against API
The token received from Maskinporten is attached as a Bearer Token to the APIs being called.
Testing system user in TT02
To test system user in TT02, the following is required:
- System provider registered in Maskinporten. This is done via
- System provider registered in Altinn. This is done via
- System integration registered in Maskinporten test.
For creating system users, test users/organizations from Tenor can be used.
Reference implementation and setup
A reference implementation has been developed to demonstrate the use of system user. It is developed in C# and can be run as a console application. It does the following:
- Creates a token based on configured JSON Web Key, client ID, scope, and organization number of the system user creator.
- Based on the token received, it makes calls to reference APIs that require system user.
See code with documentation here.
Setting up reference implementation with own configuration
A reference implementation has been developed to demonstrate the use of system user. It is developed in C# and can be run as a console application.
It does the following:
- Creates a token based on configured JSON Web Key, client ID, scope, and organization number of the system user creator.
- Based on the token received, it makes calls to reference APIs that require system user.
See code with documentation here.
Setting up reference implementation with own configuration
The repository contains the necessary test certificate to run the application. The following must be done to set up your own integration as a system provider:
Log in to onboarding Maskinporten. Here you can use a test ID that is the CEO of a test entity.
Overview of integrations in Maskinporten. Here you can add new ones Create integration, search for required scope Get the system registered in the System Register with the correct client ID and linkage to necessary resources/access packages.
Log in with a test user at The user must have the access management role in Altinn for a test organization and go to the page
Configure key, certificate, client ID, and scope in the test application.
string clientID = "7ee41fce-9f6e-4c32-8195-0fe2c1517f43";
string scope = "altinn:systembruker.demo";
string systemUserOrg = "210493352";
string pemCertificatePath = @".\mp-key.pem";