Last modified: May 27, 2024

Resource Administration in Altinn Studio

To enable resource administration in Altinn Studio, you and your organization must follow a few steps.

Create User & Organization

To access resource administration in Altinn Studio, you need to have a user account.

See this guide

Create the Resource Admin Repository for the Organization

To enable resource administration, your organization needs a specific repository named {org}-resources. This repository will serve as a centralized hub for managing your resources. For example, skd-resources .

You can create this repository from the organization page in the Gitea section of Altinn Studio.


Create Resource Administration Teams

  • Resources Group that can be assignet to {org}-resources
  • Resources-Publish-PROD - Right to publish to production
  • Resources-Publish-TT02: Team with rights to publish to TT02

Teams are created from the organization page in the Gitea section of Altinn Studio.
