Last modified: May 23, 2024

Application construction components - Altinn Access Control

The Access Control component in the Altinn platform is an core 6 web API application deployed as a docker container to the Altinn Platform Kubernetes cluster.

See solutions for details about the functionality provided by this component.

Access Management
Construction Components Altinn Access Control

The diagram below shows where the different solution components are located

The Authorization component is constructed as a MVC application exposing API. The API communicates with the different solution components

The below diagram shows the data flow including PEP.

Data flow authorization
Data flow authorization

Decision API

The decision API is the API that orchestrates the decision process.

The API supports both XACML XML and XACML Json Profile request.

See Decision Controller for code details

Policy Decision Point - PDP

This is implemented as a separate class library This is published to Nuget.

This library contains all models defined for XAMCL XML/JSON and utility methods to handle XACML documents.

The Policy Decision Point is implemented in this class.

It expects both decision request and policy to be inputed.

Policy Retrieval Point - PRP

Policy Retrieval Point component that stores authorization policies for applications.

The policies are stored as XACML (xml) documents in a blob storage.

When an authorization request is received to PDP, PRP identifies the correct policy document in the policy storage.

See code.

PRP is configured as a service in the Authorization Component and can easily be replaced with other implementation.

Context Handler

Context handler enriches the authorization request with information about the user and the resource requested. Roles are retrieved from SBL Brigde while resource information is retrieved from Instances in storage.

See code.

Context Handler is configured as a service in Authorization Component and can easily be replaced with other implementation.

Policy Information Point - Roles

PIP for roles, calls SBL bridge to get the rules a user or system has for a resource party.

This is implemented as a service. See implementation

This can easily be replaced with other implementation.

Policy Information Point - Party

This is implemented as a service. See implementation

This can easily be replaced with other implementation.

Policy Information Point - Resources

PIP for resoruces checks storage for instance information.

This is implemented as a service. See implementation

This can easily be replaced with other implementation.

Api controllers

  • Decision
  • Policy (will be moved to resource registry)
  • Roles (will be moved to access management)
  • Parties (will be moved to access management)


See csproj.

How to use Altinn Platform Authorization in your setup

The PDP does not contain any Altinn specific functionality. What you need to implement in your setup is

Context Handler

You would need to write your own context handler functionality that undestand your domain. Meaning it would need to understand what kind of enrichment that is needed. It the simplest scenarious this does not need to do anything if the authorization request contains all information needed by PDP


You need to implement funcionality to identify the correct XACML Policy. In Altinn we have different policies for the different apps, but in some simple scenarios you would only need to reference a static XACML Policy.


If context handler need to enrich