Last modified: May 23, 2024

What do you get?

The authorization components provide access management and control functionality for digital and analog services hosted in the Altinn Platform or other places.

In 2022-2026, Altinn will modernize its authorization architecture and components. Therefore, the below description is a mix of as-is and to-be.

Altinn uses attribute-based access control (ABAC).

In short, Altinn authorization control access through rules defined in XACML Policies. Each rule defines which resource the rule describes, what operation, and who can perform it.

Altinn Authorization - Components

The diagram below shows the future components of a new Altinn Architecture.

Future solution Altinn Authorization
Future solution Altinn Authorization

This architecture defines the following components.

Access Management

This component will be responsible for administering access to self and organization.

  • Giving the end-users an overview of which rights they and others have.
  • Administration of AccessGroups
  • Possibility to delegate and revoke rights

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Resource Registry

This component will provide a register of

  • Altinn 3 Apps
  • Altinn 2 apps
  • External services are hosted on other platforms but registered in Altinn for authorization.

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Access Control

The PDP component is responsible for evaluating if the user should get access to a given resource or not.

The component has a context handler, PIP functionality, PRP information, and more. Read more

This component provides functionality to request consent and give consent.

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