Last modified: Jul 19, 2024


The register component offers register data to other components and is a supporting product for authorization functionality i Altinn

  • ER - Enhetsregisteret - Information about organisations in Norway and roles
  • DSF - Det Sentrale Folkeregisteret - Information about citizens in Norway.

ER - Enhetsregisteret

ER registeret can be used to prefill information, retrieve information based on user input or for validation of input of users.

During autumn 2024 the register component will be updated to have it own

The register component is an ASP.Net Core MVC Application exposing REST-API to Altinn Apps.

The solution is now available at and all resources are avaiable through endpoints defined below.

Resource: Organizations, Parties, Persons


Get information about an organisation:

Organization type

OrgNumberstringthe organisation number nine digits
Namestringthe registered name of the organisation
TelephoneNumberstringthe telephone number
MobileNumberstringthe mobile number
FaxNumberstringthe fax number
EMailAddressstringthe email adress
InternetAddressstringthe url for a web site
MailingAddressstringthe adress for sending mail to the organisation
MailingPostalCodestringthe postal code for sending mail to the organisation
MailingPostalCitystringthe city for sending mail to the organisation
BusinessAddressstringthe address of the daily business
BusinessPostalCodestringthe postal code for the daily business
BusinessPostalCitystringthe city for the daily business


GET /organizations/{orgNr}


Person type

SSNstringSocial security number
Namestringthe person’s full name
FirstNamestringthe person’s first name
MiddleNamestringthe person’s middle name
LastNamestringthe person’s last name
TelephoneNumberstringtelephone number
MobileNumberstringmobile number
MailingAddressstringmailing address
MailingPostalCodestringmailing postal code
MailingPostalCitystringmailing postal city
AddressMunicipalNumberstringadress municipal number
AddressMunicipalNamestringadress municipal name
AddressHouseNumberstringaddress house number
AddressHouseLetterstringaddress house letter
AddressPostalCodestringaddress postal code
AddressCitystringadress city


Get information about a person: Send a GET-request with the persons SSN contained in the request body to

GET /persons


Party type

PartyIdintthe party ID
PartyTypeNamePartyTypethe type of the party; organisation or person
OrgNumberstringthe organisation number. Empty string if party is person.
SSNstringthe social security number. Empty string if party is organisation.
Namestringthe full name of the person or name of the organisation
IsDeletedbooltrue is the organisation has been deleted from the registery
OnlyHiearhyElementWithNoAccessbooltrue if party is a parent unit with no access in current context
PersonPersonthe person the party represents
OrganizationOrganizationthe organisation the party represents
ChildPartiesListList of sub units if the party is an organisation


Get information about a party:

GET /parties/{partyId}

Lookup a party id based on social secutiry number or organisation number: (SSN or OrgNumber should be included in string format in the request body.)

GET /parties/lookup

Lookup a party based on social secutiry number or organisation number: (SSN or OrgNumber should be included in string format in the request body.)

GET /parties/lookupObject