Last modified: May 28, 2024

Resource Registry

The resource registry contains information about resources where Altinn Authorization is used for access management and control.

This is work in progress

Type of resources

There are different types of resources that can be registrated

  • GenericAccessResource
  • MaskinportenSchema
  • Systemresource

Later it will be possible to registrate

  • Altinn 3 Apps
  • Legacy Altinn 2 services for legacy archive authorization (not finalized)

Generic Access Resources

GenericAccessResources will be used as linkServices are used in Altinn 2.

The resource would be any type of service provided by public organiazations.

We used cpsv:PublicService as inspiration to the data model.

This also allows Felles datakatalog to consume the definition for their service catalogue

See full list in production.

Some examples

Resource attributes

The below table list the attributes a resource has in the resource registry. For attributes defined i cpsv:PublicService there is a link to the description.

AttributeBeskrivelseUsed for i AltinnFormatMand.
identifierIdentifes the resource.Altinn tjenestekatalog + Tilgangsstyring + Tilgangskontroll.Unik og persistent. Fritekst, max ? tegn. Bør være lesbar.Yes
titleThe resource titleAltinn tjenestekatalog + Tilgangsstyring. (search)Fritekst, max ? tegn, på alle språk (nb, nn, en)Yes
descriptionDescribes the resource.Altinn tjenestekatalog + Tilgangsstyring (search)Fritekst, max ? tegn på alle språk (nb, nn, en)Yes
hasCompetent AuthorityResource owner (when public)Altinn tjenestekatalog + Tilgangsstyring (search/filter)Orgnr, tjenesteeierkode (fra A2), navn (nb, nn. en)Yes
ownedByResource owner (when private)Ingen private tjenester i Altinn i dag, attributt brukes ikke.OrgnrNo
contactpointWho to contact aboute the serviceAltinn tjenestekatalogepost, telefonnummer eller url til kontaktsideYes
homepageHomepage for serviceAltinn tjenestekatalogurlNo
keywordA keyword, term or phrase to describe the Public Service.Altinn tjenestekatalog?fritekst, max ? tegn.No
statusIndicates the status of a serviceAltinn tjenestekatalog?Mulige verdier i henhold til standard: “Completed”, “Deprecated”, “UnderDevelopment”, “Withdrawn”No
isPartOfLinkes to related servicesAltinn tjenestekatalog + Tilgangsstyringcpsv:PublicService eller cpsvno:Service. Skal det opprettes tjenestegruppe?No
spatialArea the public service is available toAltinn tjenestekatalog?En av følgende EUvoc verdier: Continent, Contry, eller Place. Angivelse i Norge benyttes Administrative enheterNo
producesLinkes to the outcome of a public serviceAltinn tjenestekatalog? + Tilgangsstyring?cv:output: id + FritekstNo
rights DescriptionDescribes the power of attorney given in access managementTilgangsstyringFritekst, max ? tegn.Yes, if delgatble
limitedByRRRDefines if RRR will be used to controll accessTilgangsstyring + TilgangskontrollBooleanYes
availableForTypeDefines what type of party that can use serviceAltinn tjenestekatalog + TilgangsstyringMulige verdier: Privatperson, Juridisk enhet (foretak), Bedrift, Konkursbo, Selvregistert brukerYes
SelfIdentified UserEnabledThe user acting on behalf of party can be a selfidentifed usersTilgangsstyring + TilgangskontrollBoolean?Yes
Enterprise UserEnabledThe user acting on behalf of party can be an enterprise usersTilgangsstyring + TilgangskontrollBoolean?Yes
ReferenceReferance to other IDs or valuesTilgangsstyring + TilgangskontrollMulige verdier: SerivdeEditionCode, ServiceCode, MaskinportenScope, DelegationschemeID, AppID, UriNo
ResourcetypeType of resource.TilgangsstyringMulige verdier: Systemresource, MaksinportenSchema, GenericAccessResourceYes
delegableIndicates if a rights to perfome a service can be given to othersTilgangsstyringBoolean?Yes
visibleIndicates if a service should be visable to users i GUITilgangsstyringBoolean?Yes


Polices defined for apps and resources will be stored by resource registry.

App Policies

The App Policies are policies for Apps created in Altinn Studio. The policy is created in Altinn Studio and migrated to the Access Policy component when the app is deployed to a test or production environment.

An app policy contains information about the different resources in an App and who and what kind of operations they are allowed to perform. The who is identified using Altinn Roles, Access Groups, or roles/groups from other sources.


Resource Registry Policies

The resource registry policies are policies for resources that is not comming from Altinn 3 apps. It could be any functionality hosted on any platform.

Both digital and analog services can be registrated in the resource registry.

Administration from Altinn Studio

Resource Admin
Resource Admin in Altinn Studio

Resource Admin
Resource Admin in Altinn Studio

Resource Admin
Resource Admin in Altinn Studio


See construction components if you want to see how the component is built.