Last modified: Jun 4, 2024

System Interfaces

Altinn 3 Broker System Interfaces

Overview of Altinn 3 Broker external interfaces

The following figure indicates the main system interfaces of Altinn 3 Broker:

Altinn 3 Broker Standalone Interfaces Overview
Altinn 3 Broker Standalone Interfaces Overview

Interfaces for design time configuration of services and options:

  • API for configuration of Altinn Broker
  • API for configuration of Maskinporten (authentication and course-grained authorization)
  • API for configuration of Altinn Authorization (fine-grained authorization)
  • API for setup of event subscriptions via Altinn Events
  • GUI for configuration of Altinn Broker
  • GUI for configuration of Maskinporten
  • GUI for configuration of Altinn Authorization

Note: Altinn 3 Broker does not currently provide a GUI for file transfer operations, but relies om End User System GUIs.

Interfaces for runtime operation:

  • API for individual file transfers, including upload, download and status monitoring

Interfaces for historical data and statistics:

  • API for historical data and statistics

API operations

An overview of the application services of Altinn 3 Broker is given in the following figure:

Altinn 3 Broker Application Services
Altinn 3 Broker Application Services

Each of these application services correspond to a path in the Altinn 3 Broker OpenAPI specification.

Event notifications (machine-to-machine)

Notifications about new messages and other events are delivered to webhook subscribers. The specific events are specified as part of the Altinn 3 Broker OpenAPI specification.


  • filetransferinitialized: Information about a new file transfer
  • filedeleted: The file has been deleted from Broker
  • fileneverconfirmeddownloaded: File was never confirmed downloaded by a recipient
  • uploadprocessing: File has been uploaded and is being processed
  • published: File has finished processing and is ready for download
  • uploadfailed: An upload failed either during upload or processing
  • downloadconfirmed: A recipient confirmed their download
  • allconfirmeddownloaded: All recipients have confirmed the download

Also see:

End user notifications (email, SMS)

Notifications to end users about new messages, files, and other events are sent via the Altinn Notification Service.

Also see:

Scenario descriptions

End-to-end typical sequence

The follow sequence diagram shows the typical “happy path” message sequence:

Altinn 3 Broker File Transfer Sequence Diagram
Altinn 3 Broker File Transfer Sequence Diagram

For a summary of each message in the sequence diagram; see Altinn 3 application services (paths).

Note that, in the sequence diagram, only some of the message parameters are indicated. Refer to the Altinn 3 Broker OpenAPI specification for the complete documentation of parameters.