Last modified: Sep 18, 2023


Overview of changes introduced in v3 of the Altinn.Platform.Storage.Interface package.

3.11.0 Extended models with support for marking a data element for automatic deletion

  • DataElement model has been extended with a new property deleteStatus.
  • ApplicationMetadata.AppLogic has been extended with a new property autoDeleteOnProcessEnd.

3.10.0 Extended ApplicationMetadata/AppLogic with allowAnonymousOnStateless property

  • The AppLogic model has been expanded with a new property allowAnonymousOnStatelessto specify if data type can be accessed anonymously when used in stateless mode. Default is false as before and you need to opt in if you would like to enable anonymous access.

3.9.0 Extended EFormidlingContract with DPFShipmentType property

  • The EFormidlingContract model has been expanded with a new property DPFShipmentType to hold the DPF shipment type. Property is included to make routing easier for receiver, when included in the Arkivmelding.

3.8.0 Extended ProcessHistoryItem with performedBy property

  • The ProcessHistoryItem model has been expanded with a new property performedBy to hold an identification string for the entity that triggered the process event. This string can contain organisation number og person identification number.

3.7.0 Extended PlatformUser with national identity number property

  • The PlatformUser model has been expanded with a new property to hold national identity number.

3.6.0 Extended InstanceOwner with username property

  • The InstanceOwner model has been expanded with a new property to hold username.

3.5.0 Added CopyInstanceSettings to Application

  • The Application model has been expanded with a new property to hold CopyInstanceSettings. This property allows for enabling copying of application and specifies excluded data fields and types.

3.4.0 Added MessageBoxConfig to Application

  • The Application model has been expanded with a new property to hold Message Box configuration.

3.3.0 Added Tags to the model DataElement

  • The DataElement model has been expanded with a new property to hold a list of tags.

3.2.0 New model OnEntryConfig

  • A new model, OnEntryConfig was added to support defining what should happen on entry on the application. The model has been added as a property to Application.

3.0.1 New model DataValues

  • A new model, DataValues was added to support updating data values on the instance.

3.0.0 Refactoring and model application/instance model changes

Breaking changes

  • The PresentationField class was renamed to DataField. This was done to make the model more generic as it’s being used by the new DataFields property on the Application model as well as the existing PresentationFields property. All properties and the usage off the class remains the same.

Other changes

  • A new property, DataFields was added to support data field definitions on the Application model and a corresponding DataValues property on the Instance model to hold the actual values.