Last modified: Sep 8, 2021

Best practices

Best practices for frontend best practices will be updated with more and better practices ;)

Best practices

  • Simple lists should be sorted alphabetically

Form components (app-frontend)

Form components (src/components) should, whenever possible, be “dumb” components that receive all their input from props. They should not have a direct connection to the store, and should not know anything about the store.


All logic used in a saga should be an exported function in the utils-folder. This is decided since we need to split up the logic from the fetching of data, so we have a more testable codebase. The saga only fetches data from the state, and sends the appropriate data to utils-functions.

Folder Structure

This is the best practice for folder structure in applications. Note that this is not necessarily how the folder structure is for all the apps, but when creating anything new, or cleaning up, this is how it should look.

- src /
  - config /
    - config.json
    - exportedConfig.js
  - features / # routes,pages,features
    - [featureName] /
      - components /
      - containers /
      - resources /
        - featureSpecificData /
          - delete /
            - deleteFeatureSpecificDataActions.ts
            - deleteFeatureSpecificDataSagas.ts
          - fetch /
            - ...
          - upload /
            - ...
          - featureSpecificDataActions.ts
          - featureSpecificDataActionTypes.ts
          - featureSpecificDataReducers.ts
          - featureSpecificDataSagas.ts
      - selectors /
        - getSomeResourceSelector.ts
      - reducers /
        - featureNameReducer.ts
      - utils / # Feature specific utils
    - formFiller / # Example feature
      - components /
      - containers /
      - resources
        - attachments / # FileUpload example
          - delete /
            - deleteAttachmentsActions.ts
            - deleteAttachmentsSagas.ts
          - fetch /
            - fetchAttachmentsActions.ts
            - ...
          - upload /
            - ...
          - attachmentsActions.ts
          - attachmentsActionTypes.ts
          - attachmentsReducers.ts
          - attachmentsSagas.ts
      - selectors / 
        - getSomeResouceSelector.ts
      - reducers /
        - formfillerReducer.ts
      - utils /
  - reducers /
    - index.ts
  - shared /
    - components / # Shared components
    - resources / # Shared resources
      - [resourceName] /
        - [action] /
          - <action><resourceName>Actions.ts
          - <action><resourceName>Sagas.ts
        - <resourceName>Actions.ts
        - <resourceName>ActionTypes.ts
        - <resourceName>Reducer.ts
        - <resourceName>Sagas.ts
      - language / # example resource
          - fetch /
            - fetchLanguageActions.ts
            - fetchLanguageSagas.ts
          - someAction /
            - someActionOnLanguageActions.ts
            - someActionOnLanguageSagas.ts
          - languageActions.ts
          - languageActionTypes.ts
          - languageReducer.ts
          - languageSagas.ts
    - types /
    - utils /
  - store
  - types
  - utils