Last modified: Feb 7, 2023

Developing locally

Running the frontends locally for development

App frontend

  1. Follow the instructions here to set up an app to run locally, up to step 5 (do not do step 6 yet.)

    • Make sure Altinn Studio is not running. If it is, run
    docker-compose down

    from altinn-studio/src/studio before proceeding with the instructions linked above.

  2. Follow the steps in app-frontend-react repository for how to serve app-frontend locally.

  3. Run the app (from <path-to-app>/App/):

    dotnet run

    or run it directly from VS Code.

  4. Start the app in a browser by going to!

Altinn Studio Designer

Follow the instructions in the Altinn Studio README to set up Altinn Studio for local development.

Platform Receipt

Open a terminal in src/Altinn.Platform/Altinn.Platform.Receipt, and run:

yarn --immutable
yarn run gulp #(only the first time)
yarn run gulp-install-deps
yarn run gulp-develop

This will build and run receipt back end, and build and copy the receipt frontend to the wwwroot folder. The application should now be available at localhost:5060/receipt/{instanceOwnerId}/{instanceId}. The script will also listen to changes in the receipt react app, rebuild and copy the new react app to the wwwroot folder. You might need to refresh to see the changes.