Last modified: Sep 8, 2021

RESTful APIs (Representation State Transfer)

Guidelines for designing REST apis for microservices in Altinn

This page is work-in-progress. This is a proposed api which most likely is going to change.


REST is an architectural style for designing loosely coupled applications over HTTP which was coined by Rob Fielding in 2000. We will define services according to REST.

  • REST APIs should start with /api so that we with ease can differentiate between an rest api call and a ux-application call.

  • REST APIs should start with a short word to indicate the logical domain or group of apis.

  • REST APIs should be versioned, with semantic versioning: v1 major (incompatible API changes), v1.1 minor (add backwards-compatible functionality), and v1.1.1 patch (bugfix). We should strive to make REST APIs backwards compatible, hence clients should not break if we add a new parameter.

  • REST APIs paths should be in lower case letters. Query parameter names should be lowerCamelCase.

  • REST APIs should be resource oriented. A resources is a thing that the client and server knows about. The API provides methods to find, create, update, delete or manipulate a resource object. A resource in a system should have only one logical URI, which should provide a way to fetch related or additional data about the resource.

  • REST APIs specifications should be public awailable as OpenApi 3.0 (swagger).



Create a new instance resource. Post to instances with query params that identifies the application and the instance owner. This call should return identifier of the new instance resource or the json of the instance resource itself.


GET one instance or PUT to to this url to update the instance.


Get (query) all instances that is instance owner has
