Last modified: Aug 3, 2022

Reusable resources

A important feature with Altinn Studio is that it should promote developers to create reusable resources that can be reused by other developers.

Reusable resource is typical created by technical developers using code editors.

Development of new React web component
Development of new React web component

Web component

When building UI, you will use and configure premade web components. The components will be based on React, and vil vary in size and complexity. Web components are developed in code editors.

Some basic requirements:

  • The component should be flexible and configurable
  • The component should be able to be connected to the data model, and use the metadata from the data model.
  • The component should be able to connect to text resources
  • The component should support responsive design and WCAG 2 AA
  • It should be simple for service owners to add more components

React logo

Overall layout

When building UI it will be possible to select a overall layout (aka “look&feel”). This could bee neded because of the complexity of the service or a wish for branding of the service.

  • Create reuasable artifacts

    • Look&feel
    • Texts and translations
    • Code lists
    • Logic (C#? TypeScript? WebAssembly?)
    • Data models (Seres?)
    • API calls
  • Reuse these artifacts

F.eks. det å lage nye web componenter og layouts vil typisk være noe som tekniske utviklere gjør i kode-editorer.
Det å sette disse sammen og konfigurere dem, er noe alle skal kunne gjøre.