Last modified: Aug 3, 2022

App for automated test

An app used solely for automated testing in the browser

Change of name app

This is an app which should only be used to run automated tests against. It contains these components:

  • Title
  • Input
  • Textarea
  • Checkbox
  • Radio button
  • Attachment
  • Datepicker
  • Button


The rules appends the text from the text feilds for new first, middle and last name and displays in a new field. The relevant code:

 nyttNavn: (obj) => {
        obj.fornavn = obj.fornavn ? obj.fornavn + ' ' : '';
        obj.mellomnavn = obj.mellomnavn ? obj.mellomnavn + ' ' : '';
        obj.etternavn = obj.etternavn ? obj.etternavn : '';
        return obj.fornavn + obj.mellomnavn + obj.etternavn;

    nyttNavn: () => {
        return {
            fornavn: "fornavn",
            mellomnavn: "mellomnavn",
            etternavn: "etternavn"

Conditional Rendering rules

The app has several conditional rendering rules based on the values entered by the user in other fields. Below is an example code for one of the conditional rendering rules. The relevant code:

sjekkNavnendringBekreftelse: (obj) => {
        return (obj.value && obj.value === "Ja");

sjekkNavnendringBekreftelse: () => {
        return {
            value: "Verdi"


The app has a prefill defined in the InstantiationHandler.cs for fetching the current name of the user and display in an input component.


The app has many required field validation, without which the user will not be allowed to submit the app instance.