Last modified: Apr 27, 2022


Functional Testing of Altinn Studio and Altinn app-frontend with Cypress

Cypress is a next generation front end open-source testing tool built for the modern web. Read more about Cypress here.


  • Cypress lists the requirement for the tests here.

Run the tests

Cypress test project has a simple read me which describes how one can install the dependencies, start the solution and run the tests.

Altinn Studio tests

git clone

The tests on altinn studio are run from an azure devops pipeline and the results are recorded in cypress dashboard with tag: altinn-studio.

Folder structure

  1. Test files are under src/test/cypress/e2e/integration.
  2. Static files are under src/test/cypress/e2e/fixtures.
  3. Pageobjects with the css selector are under src/test/cypress/e2e/pageobjects.
  4. Custom cypress commands are under src/test/cypress/e2e/support.
  5. src/test/cypress/cypress.json has most of the configuration for the test.
  6. configuration for the different environment are placed under src/test/cypress/e2e/config
  7. src/test/cypress/package.json has test dependencies and scripts.

Write tests

  1. Identify the test and find the .js file under integration folder where the test must be placed.
  2. Add the new CSS selectors under pageobjects.
  3. Add custom cypress command under support for reusability across the tests.
  4. Add the static files (response json of XHR, texts) under fixtures.

Read cypress documentation for more information on writing tests

Linting and Formatting

  1. The test projects has scripts for linting og formatting.
  2. Run yarn run eslint:check and yarn run prettier:check for checking the deviations from config of eslint and prettier.
  3. Run yarn run eslint:fix and yarn run prettier:format to correct the lint and formatting fails.

Run tests locally and debug

  1. Make sure all the solutions are running according to the readme file for the solution to be tested.
  2. Open cypress by running yarn run cy:open -e environment=local.
  3. Choose the browser and the test.js file that has to be run.
  4. Use cy.log() for checking runtime values. And Cypress by default starts the test again when there is a change in the files.
  5. Use console in the browser developer tools where Cypress prints results from a cypress command.

App-frontend tests

git clone

The tests on altinn-app-frontend are run from github actions and are triggered when a pull request or changes are merged to the files. The tests are run on apps deployed to TT02 pointing to localhost app frontend. Tests are run in parallel and the recorded in cypress dashboard with tag:altinn-app-frontend.

Folder structure

  1. Test files are under test/cypress/e2e/integration.
  2. Static files are under test/cypress/e2e/fixtures.
  3. Pageobjects with the css selector are under test/cypress/e2e/pageobjects.
  4. Custom cypress commands are under test/cypress/e2e/support.
  5. test/cypress/cypress.json has most of the configuration for the test.
  6. configuration for the different environment are placed under test/cypress/e2e/config
  7. test/cypress/package.json has test dependencies and scripts.

Write tests

  1. Identify the test and find the .js file under integration folder where the test must be placed.
  2. Add the new CSS selectors under pageobjects.
  3. Add custom cypress command under support for reusability across the tests.
  4. Add the static files (response json of XHR, texts) under fixtures.

Read cypress documentation for more information on writing tests

Linting and Formatting

  1. The test projects has scripts for linting og formatting.
  2. Run yarn run eslint:check and yarn run prettier:check for checking the deviations from config of eslint and prettier.
  3. Run yarn run eslint:fix and yarn run prettier:format to correct the lint and formatting fails.

Run tests locally and debug

  1. Make sure all the solutions are running according to the readme file for the solution to be tested.
  2. Open cypress by running yarn run cy:open -e environment=local.
  3. Choose the browser and the test.js file that has to be run.
  4. Use cy.log() for checking runtime values. And Cypress by default starts the test again when there is a change in the files.
  5. Use console in the browser developer tools where Cypress prints results from a cypress command.