# Altinn Studio
aka. "Tjenester 3.0"
## What are we creating
- A app development solution
- Altinn Studio: The development tool
- Altinn Platform: The supporting platform
- Altinn Apps: The solution to host the Apps
## What technologies are we using
- .NET Core : Backend / API
- React : Frontend Altinn Studio & App
- Docker: Apps are created as Docker Containers
- Kubernetes: The containers are hosted in Kubernetes
- Azure: We use Azure for Kubernetes hosting
## Altinn Studio
- Design frontend
- Define frontend logic
- Define datamodel for app
- Define app logic for backend
- Build & deploy app container
- Source Control for App files




## Altinn Apps
- Kubernetes Cluster where apps are hosted
- One cluster per Organisation
## Altinn Platform
- Supporting functionality
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Storage
- Register
- Profile
## Documentation
- The different solutions are described in detail
on docs
## The End