Last modified: Mar 13, 2023

Propose a new component

If you need a component or functionality we prefer that the need is registered as a feature request before development stars.

  • Create a Feature request in Github
    Describe the component, why it will be useful and when it is needed.
  • Review of the suggestion
    Altinn will review your suggestion to make sure that a new component fits our criteria. After the review, Altinn will tell you what we’ve decided and what we recommend.
  • Plan the development
    A member of our team will contact you so that we can find out together who will take care of developing the component.

Proposing a component
The preferred process when components are proposed


When a suggestion is reviewed we mainly focus on what the actual need is and what the component is meant to solve. Is a new component needed, or do we have existing functionality that can be changed or expanded?

If a new component is the ideal solution, we want to make sure it has sufficient quality by making sure it fits these criteria:

  • Useful - The suggestion should fit user needs, be understandable, recognisable and and not error-prone.
  • Accessible - The suggestion should comply with the WCAG 2.1 standard.
  • Consequent - The suggestion should reuse existing styles and components in the design system when relevant. Users shouldn’t have to worry that words, situations and actions has different meanings in different situations.
  • Versatile - A new component should be designed in a way that makes it usable in similar scenarios and apps.