Last modified: Sep 18, 2023

Presentations and Altinn Coffee

The Altinn-kaffe meeting series is a low threshold meeting series, where app owners (and potential app owners) can learn more about what we're doing in Altinn 3. It's also designed to gather information on how Altinn can help app owners realise their Altinn 3 potential. Slides mainly in Norwegian.

Introduction presentation and strategy input meeting

The first meeting was an introduction to the platform, including goals.

We held a meeting for giving input on the Altinn 3 desimination strategy January 28 2021. These slides were shown.

We have also made a more generic presentation of what Altinn Studio / Altinn 3 is, and how to get started

Status and plans

Every other week, we present what we have done and what we’re planning to do for the next fortnight.

Themed meetings

The weeks where we don’t present status, we hold themed meetings. If no presentation is available, we probably did a live demo or documentation walk through.

NDC 2020 talk

This is a talk held by 3 of our developers, June 11th 2020 at NDC Oslo, describing Altinn 3 just after going to production.