Last modified: Mar 10, 2025

Getting Started with Altinn Correspondence

Tutorials for how to get started with Altinn 3 Correspondence, for service owners, senders and recipients.

An enterprise may have three different roles when interacting with Altinn Correspondence;

  • sender
  • recipient
  • service Owner

An enterprise may have one, or a combination of all three roles according to the context. Most enterprises will have Sender and/or Recipient, while Service owners frequently will have all three. As a Service owner, you are responsible for configuring the service and access management of the service. This means that you as a service owner need to set up and configure the solution before it can be taken into use.

1. Get started as service owner in Altinn

To get started with Altinn Correspondence, your enterprise must be registered as a service owner in Altinn. For a step-by-step guide , see the Get started with Altinn guide (Norwegian language only).

This step is only necessary for new enterprises that have not yet established themselves as service owners on the Altinn platform. As an existing service owner, you can proceed directly with the next steps to start using Altinn Correspondence.

2. Create or get access to a resource in Altinn Resource Registry

In order to send messages via Altinn Correspondence, they must first be associated with a resource. A resource represents a specific function or set of functions used to manage access and rules for the correspondence. Resources are registered via Altinn Studio and are used to define access rules and access lists, ensuring that only authorized users can perform specific actions.

2a. Create a new resource as a service owner

If you are a service owner you need to create a resource and follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Altinn Studio and navigate to the resource dashboard, See Resource Registry for a detailed guide.
  2. Create a new resource, follow the guide and fill in the necessary information and details about the service.
  3. Set policy rules for the resource. Your policy must be configured in such a way that that they permit the actions:
    • “read” meant for recipients to open and read a message
    • “write” meant for senders to send a message
    • “subscribe” to register event subscriptions in Altinn Events

Here is an example policy.

Note that this example policy sets a required user role “DAGL” for the user that has access to the resource, and requires the use of Resource Rights Registry to grant access to specific organisations. A user with that access can then delegate the access to the enterprise user / system user

TIP: Verify your configurations using the Postman collection, substituting the test tokens with your own Altinn tokens (See “Login to Maskinporten (Initialize)” request in Authenticator folder).

2b. Get access to a resouce for non service owners

If you are not a service owner, contact the Service owner for the Correspondence Resource and ask for access to the Resource, supplying them with:

  • Organization number you will represent
  • System user

3. Altinn API key and access to scopes

In order to use Altinn Correspondence you need a subscription key. Technically, this is an API key that must be included in the header of the request Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key, to verify that you have the right to use the Correspondence API. Without this key, your request will be denied. To authenticate and ensure that you can perform operations via the Correspondence API, Altinn must grant you access to the necessary scopes. This ensures that only authorized clients can send and receive files, thereby maintaining the security of the service. The following scopes are used to send and/or receive messages:

  • altinn:correspondence.write

To obtain an Altinn API key and access to scopes, you must submit a request to: The request must include the scopes you need. Note that you may require more than just read/write access for Correspondence. A complete list of scopes can be found here:

4. Register your Maskinporten Client with the required scopes

In order to authenticate the Correspondence API, you must register your Maskinporten client(s) with the necessary scopes, depending on whether you need to send and/or receive messages.

The scopes are maintained by Altinn, they are required for you to be authorized for the correct API operations. Note that this is not the same as the access granted by service owners in step 2 for the specific Correspondence service resource.

Use Samarbeidsportalen self-service for registration. Here’s a detailed guide.

5. Authentication

For all operations you will need to Authenticate using your Maskinporten Client then acquire an Altinn Token from Altinn Authentication.

6. Integrate against Correspondence API

Since Altinn Correspondence is open source, you can access our code in our public github repo and build a local docker instance to test against.

We also welcome contributions to the solution.

See the readme file at github for an introduction to Altinn 3 Correspondenec, and how to build and run it in your dev environment.

The Repo also contains a PostMan collection with examples.

Swagger for the correspondence API is hosted here.

7. Set up Event Subscriptions

In order to use events/webhooks for a Correspondence resource, you need to setup a subscription for the given resource.

See the developer guide for detailed instruction.