Last modified: Sep 11, 2024

Get Started with Altinn Correspondence as a Service Owner

How to get started with Altinn 3 Correspondence, for service owners

    This process will be simplified through a future update in Altinn Studio.

    Particularly Steps 4-6 will be performed through GUI instead of requiring direct API Calls.

    1. Get started as service owner in Altinn

    To get started with Altinn Correspondence, your enterprise must be registered as a service owner in Altinn. For a step-by-step guide , see the Get started with Altinn guide (Norwegian language only).

    This step is only necessary for new enterprises that have not yet established themselves as service owners on the Altinn platform. As an existing service owner, you can proceed directly with the next steps to start using Altinn Correspondence.

    2. Perform common steps for API Key and Maskinporten Client

    Perform steps 1 and 2 of the Common Get started steps if you have not already done so.

    3. Register a Resource in Altinn Resource Registry

    All operations using Correspondence is associated with a resource/service/“tjenesteressurs”. See Resource Registry. Resources can be registered through Altinn Studio, and are used for access rules and access lists. Your policy must be configured in such a way that that they permit the actions:

    • “see” to see metadata about a message
    • “open” to open a message
    • “send” to send a message
    • “subscribe” to register event subscriptions in Altinn Events

    To setup a resource that works quickly, you can use our Postman collection and run the requests “Create resource” and “Create resource policy” with a token that has the scope “altinn:resourceregistry/resource.write”.

    Here is an example policy.

    Note that this example policy sets a required user role “DAGL” for the user that has access to the resource, and requires the use of Resource Rights Registry to grant access to specific organisations. A user with that access can then delegate the access to the enterprise user / system user

    TIP: Verify your configurations using the Postman collection, substituting the test tokens with your own Altinn tokens (See “Login to Maskinporten (Initialize)” request in Authenticator folder).