Last modified: Dec 16, 2024


Description of the properties for the object

Link to InitializedCorrespondencesExt

Represents a correspondence that has been initialized


Type: Guid

The ID of the correspondence that has been initialized


Type: CorrespondenceStatusExt

Shows the status of the initialized correspondence


Type: string

The recipient of the correspondence


Type: List<InitializedCorrespondencesNotificationsExt>

A list of the generated notifications with send results. Each notification will include the following properties:

  • orderId: the ID of the order.
  • isReminder: a boolean indicating whether the notification is a reminder or not.
  • status: shows the status of the notification at the time of creating the correspondence(s).
SuccessNotification order was created successfully with contact information for at least one of the recipients for the notification.
MissingContactContact information was not found for any of the recipients for the notification at the time of creating the correspondence.
FailureCreating notification order failed due to an error.