Endpoint for deleting a correspondence.
DELETE /correspondence/api/v1/correspondence/{{correspondenceId}}/purge
This endpoint is used to delete an existing correspondence. If the correspondence includes any attachments, they will also be deleted, provided they are not associated with any other correspondence.
This API requires authentication, and the request must also include either of the following:
- Correspondence write scope altinn:correspondence.write
- Correspondence read scope altinn:correspondence.read
See Authentication and Authorization for more information.
Response codes
- 200 OK: The correspondence have been succesfully deleted
- 400 One or more validation errors occurred: Indicates that the correspondenceid is on wrong format.
- 404 Not found: The requested correspondence was not found.
- application/json
Response body
The response body consists of a GUID and contains the correspondence ID.
Response body properties
Only returns the correspondence ID.