The Altinn Events API is an HTTP-based RESTful API that provides endpoints and actions for publishing of events and subscribing to events from Altinn 3 Apps and other registered sources.
Base URL
The following base urls correspond to each environment
The Events API is secured using OAuth2 and all requests must include a valid Altinn token either in the Authorization header or
in the AltinnStudioRuntime cookie.
For clients within the Altinn eco-system representing an external user or organization,
the Altinn token in an incoming request can be forwarded to the Events API.
If you are using the API from an external system you will need to generate a Maskinporten or ID-Porten token
and exchange this for an Altinn token before calling the Events API.
Some endpoints in the API may require additional authorization in the form of a Maskinporten scope.
A scope represents a permission that a consumer has access to.
You can connect a given set of scopes to the specific Maskinporten integration instance that
provides your API client with Maskinporten tokens upon request.
Choose Selvbetjening and then Integrasjoner for the environment you want.
Ver2 is test and Produksjon is production.
Choose Ny integrasjon
New integration
To fill out the form, provide all required properties:
Scopes: Choose Legge til scopes and include all the scopes necessary for the integration to generate tokens containing
Navn på integrasjonen: Add a descriptive name that allows you to identify the application that will be using the integration
Beskrivelse: Add a short description, not only for yourself but for everyone
that administers integrations on behalf of your organization.
Add values for integration
The example above shows an integration used by an Altinn CLI Client which will need to generate tokens containing
one or more of the three selected scopes; altinn:serviceowner,
altinn:serviceowner/ and altinn:serviceowner/instances.write
Choose Opprett in the top right corner when you have completed the configuration
The final steps of this guide cover creating a Json Web Key (JWK) for the integration to use to authenticate towards maskinporten,
as well as noting down important values that can be used to configure the client that will integrate with Maskinporten.
Generate and register JWK for authentication towards Maskinporten
To avoid spreading the business certificate across many systems,
we opt for creating an asymmetric key (JSON Web Key) and associate it to the newly created integration.
In this example we use
Fill in values like the example below and click Generate
The output should look like this:
Now, the public part of the key should be added to the newly created integration in Samarbeidsportalen.
Navigate back to the integration in Samarbeidsportalen
Choose Egne public nøkler
Own public keys
Add two empty square bracets to the empty text box as shown below
Add array
Navigate back to the JWK generator site
Copy the public key of the JWK (marked 1 in the picture) and paste this into the array in Samarbeidsportalen.
Add public key
Choose Legg til
The registration and configuration in Samarbeidsportalen is now complete,
and the integration is ready to generate Maskinporten tokens on request
from any client that can provide the private and public parts of the JWK.
Important values for client configuration
From samarbeidsportalen:
Integrasjonens identifikator
This will be used in your client configuration.
In Altinn libraries, this value is referred to as the client identifikator
From the JWK generation tool:
Public and private key pair (marked 2 in the picture below)
This is what your client will use when calling the Maskinporten integration.
In Altinn libraries this key pair is referenced as EncodedJwk and must be base64 encoded before
it is included in application configuration or uploaded to a Key Vault.
The access to a subset of endpoints in the API is limited to callers within the Altinn ecosystem.
These APIs require additional authorization in the form of a
Platform Access Token.
Please reference developer documentation for the client system on how to generate
the token.
Private APIs
The API contains a set of private APIs that are only accessible within the Events-component.
These are marked as Private API in the OpenAPI specification and require an access token in the request header.