Last modified: Mar 7, 2025

How to set up a subscription

How-to guide on setting up a subscription for events from a specific resource


POST /subscriptions

Example use case: Use this endpoint when you want to add a subscription to your Altinn Studio app’s events. Use the filter properties to specify what events you want to subscribe to.


This API requires authentication.

When subscribing to generic events the Maskinporten scope altinn:events.subscribe is required.

If you are subscribing to events as a service owner the Maskinporten scope altinn:serviceowner is also requried.

See Authentication and Authorization for more information.




Request body

The list of required properties below shows what is generally required. Requirements vary based on who the subscriber is and what type of resource the subscription is targeting. Please use documentation below as guidance and refer to the problems details if your subscription request is not being accepted.

Required subscription request properties


  • webhook URL to receive HTTP POST request from Altinn Events

Endpoint should respond with 200 OK when an event is received. Additionally, it should return 200 OK when receiving our custom validation event:

    "id": "694caa35-8b25-4cd7-b800-f6eeb93c56ed",
    "source": "",
    "type": "",
    "specversion": "1.0"

Example of validation event


  • filter for the event resource

Must be an exact match to the resource set on the generated events


  • filter for the cloud event source

When subscribing to an app event format for source filter is

* required for subscriptions on generic events, optional for app event subscriptions ** only required for app subscriptions in the case where no resource filter is provided

Optional subscription request properties


  • filter for the cloud event’s subject


  • filter for the cloud event’s alternative subject


  • filter for the cloud event type

Omit this property if you want to subscribe to all events types for the given source and/or resource


A successful subscription registration should result in a 201 created response with the subscription serialized as a JSON string in the response body.

The 201 response code does indicate whether or not the subscription has been validated. Altinn will only start pushing events to a subscription endpoint once the subscription endpoint has been validated. You may retrieve your subscription by using the subscription ID to ensure that you subscription has been validated ok.


  • application/json

Response codes

  • 201 Created: The subscription has been successfully registered.

  • 401 Unauthorized: Indicates a missing, invalid or expired authorization header or that consumer is not allowed to subscribe to events from this resource based on filter parameters

  • 403 Forbidden: Indicating is missing required scope for subscribing to events



Note that an Altinn Token should be included in the authorization header.

curl \
--location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/xml' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {insert Altinn token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "sourceFilter": "",


201 Created

    "id": 1619,
    "endPoint": "",
    "sourceFilter": "",
    "consumer": "/org/digdir",
    "createdBy": "/org/digdir",
    "created": "2023-04-05T13:57:11.234994Z",
    "validated": false

400 Bad Request

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-3755bd55cf6d4e1ebdf7ed49b6f3d3be-154ebd2ad01de860-00",
    "errors": {
        "$": [
            "The JSON object contains a trailing comma at the end which is not supported in this mode. Change the reader options. Path: $ | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 2."

401 Unauthorized

"Not authorized to create a subscription with subject /organisation/989271156"