API å jobbe med dataelementene knyttet til en app instans.
A data element consist of two parts: its metadata document and the actual data blob. This API work primarily with the blob while keeping the metadata document updated.
Get data
Endpoint for downloading the data blob.
GET basePath/{dataGuid}
Accept: application/{xml/json}
The response will depend on the type of blob. There are currently 2 primary types: form data based on a model and attachments. An Accept header in a request will be considered only when the requested data element is connected to a data model. The header is then used to pick a serializer for the data.
Response with form data
A response with form data will either be a json or xml serialized version of the data model depending on the Accept header in the request. The value application/xml will result in an XML document and the value application/json will result inn a JSON document.
Response with attachment
A response with a file attachment will be a file stream. Content-Type will be the same as the original value given when the file was uploaded. The same is true for the file name.
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=cute_cat.png; filename*=UTF-8''cute_cat.png
Content-Length: 16994
Content-Type: image/png
Upload data
Endpoint for uploading a new data element on a specific instance.
POST basePath?dataType={data type name}
The dataType parameter is required and should reference one of the data types defined on the application. Data types with an appLogic property are linked to a form and will have data validation and calculation rules associated with them. Data types without an appLogic property will be handeled as an attachment and streamed directly to storage.
Request Content-Type is handled a little differently between the two cases:
- If a request is uploading form data, the Content-Type is used by Altinn to deserialize the request into a strongly typed object. A request must either be application/json or application/xml. No other Content-Types are supported. Content-Type is not validated against allowed Content-Types on the data type.
- If a request is uploading an attachment, the validation of Content-Type will depend on the rules of the data type.
- If the data type has no Content-Type requirements, there will be no validation and the request can contain any Content-Type.
- If the data type has Content-Type requirements, there is a new set of checks.
- The request Content-Type must either be application/octet-stream or match the MIME type of the file being uploaded. Altinn will perform a mapping from file extension to MIME type before comparing with Content-Type. As an example we can see that .xml will map to text/xml and not application/xml.
- If the data type allow Content-Type application/octet-stream no further validation is performed.
- If not, the identified MIME type must match one of the allowed Content-Types on the data type.
Uploading form data as application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"dataFormatProvider": "SERES",
"dataFormatId": "5703",
"dataFormatVersion": "34553",
"Tjenesteeier": null,
"Kontaktperson": {
"navn": "Sophie Salt",
"epost": "",
"telefonnummer": "90001337"
"OEnsketBruk": null
Uploading form data as application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
<BliTjenesteeier_M xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" dataFormatProvider="SERES" dataFormatId="5703" dataFormatVersion="34553">
<navn>Sophie Salt</navn>
Uploading an attachment
An example of a request uploading a PDF file.
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="receipt.pdf"; filename*=UTF-8''receipt.pdf
Content-Length: 16994
1 0 obj
Response example
The endpoint returns the data element metadata document that was created.
"id": "692ee7df-82a9-4bba-b2f2-c8c4dac69aff",
"instanceGuid": "762011d1-d341-4c0a-8641-d8a104e83d30",
"dataType": "default",
"contentType": "application/xml",
"blobStoragePath": "org/app/762011d1-d341-4c0a-8641-d8a104e83d30/data/692ee7df-82a9-4bba-b2f2-c8c4dac69aff",
"selfLinks": {
"apps": "{basePath}/api/v1/instances/347829/762011d1-d341-4c0a-8641-d8a104e83d30/data/692ee7df-82a9-4bba-b2f2-c8c4dac69aff",
"platform": "{storagePath}/instances/347829/762011d1-d341-4c0a-8641-d8a104e83d30/data/692ee7df-82a9-4bba-b2f2-c8c4dac69aff"
"filename": "default.xml",
"created": "2019-03-06T15:00:23Z",
"createdBy": "org23",
"lastChanged": "2019-03-07T15:00:23Z",
"lastChangedBy": "org23",
"size": 20001,
"locked": false
Replace data
Endpoint for replacing the content of an existing data element with new data. The new data must match the data type of the data element it is replacing.
PUT basePath/{dataGuid}
The endpoint works exactly like the endpoint for uploading a new data element.
Delete data
Endpoint for deleting an existing data element. It is currently not possible to delete the data for a form this way.
DELETE basePath/{dataGuid}
- Brukerdefinerte metadata
App API for å legge til brukerstyrte metadata på et dataelement.
- Metadata
App API for å sette ekstra metadata på dateelementer.
- Tags
App API for å manipulere stikkord på et data element