🚧 Denne dokumentasjonen er under oppdatering.
Følgende er en liste over tilgjengelige egenskaper for Datepicker. Listen er automatisk generert basert på komponentens JSON schema (se link).
Vi oppdaterer for øyeblikket hvordan vi implementerer komponenter. Listen over egenskaper kan derfor være noe unøyaktig.
Required properties: id
Property | Type | Description |
| string | The component ID. Must be unique within all layouts/pages in a layout-set. Cannot end with <dash><number>. |
| string | The component type. |
| object | Data model bindings for component |
basicDataModelBindings.simpleBinding | string | Data model binding for components connection to a single field in the data model |
| object | Text resource bindings for a component. |
basicTextResources.description | string | The description text for the component | | string | The help text for the component |
basicTextResources.shortName | string | The short name for the component (used in validation messages) (optional). If it is not specified, 'title' text is used. |
basicTextResources.tableTitle | string | The text shown in column title when component is used in repeating group (optional). If it is not specified, 'title' text is used. |
basicTextResources.title | string | The title/label text for the component |
| boolean | Boolean or expression indicating if the component is required when filling in the form. Defaults to false. |
| boolean | Boolean or expression indicating if the component should be presented as read only. Defaults to false. <br /> <i>Please note that even with read-only fields in components, it may currently be possible to update the field by modifying the request sent to the API or through a direct API call.<i/> |
| string | Long date format used when displaying the date to the user. The user date format from the locale will be prioritized over this setting. Example(s): DD/MM/YYYY ,MM/DD/YYYY ,YYYY-MM-DD |
| object | Settings for the components grid. Used for controlling horizontal alignment. Example(s): {xs: 12} |
gridSettings.innerGrid | gridProps | Optional grid for inner component content like input field or dropdown. Used to avoid inner content filling the component width. Example(s): {xs: 12} See: gridProps |
gridSettings.labelGrid | gridProps | Optional grid for the component label. Used in combination with innerGrid to align labels on the side. Example(s): {xs: 12} See: gridProps |
| boolean | Boolean value or expression indicating if the component should be hidden. Defaults to false. |
| string | Sets the maximum allowed date. Can also use keyword 'today' to disable all future dates dynamically based on the current date. Defaults to 2100-01-01T12:00:00.000Z. |
| string | Sets the minimum allowed date. Can also use keyword 'today' to disable all past dates dynamically based on the current date. Defaults to 1900-01-01T12:00:00.000Z. |
| object | |
pageBreak.breakAfter | string | PDF only: Value or expression indicating whether a page break should be added after the component. Can be either: 'auto' (default), 'always', or 'avoid'. Example(s): auto ,always ,avoid |
pageBreak.breakBefore | string | PDF only: Value or expression indicating whether a page break should be added before the component. Can be either: 'auto' (default), 'always', or 'avoid'. Example(s): auto ,always ,avoid |
| boolean | Boolean or expression indicating if the component should be rendered as a summary. Defaults to false. |
| boolean | Boolean value indicating if the date time should be stored as a timeStamp. Defaults to true.
If true: 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ', if false 'YYYY-MM-DD'; |
Vi oppdaterer for øyeblikket Altinn Studio med flere muligheter for innstillinger!
Dokumentasjonen oppdateres fortløpende, men det kan være flere innstillinger tilgjengelig enn det som beskrives her og noen innstillinger kan være i betaversjon.
Legg til komponent
Du kan legge til en komponent i Altinn Studio Designer ved å dra den fra komponent-listen til sideområdet.
Når du velger komponenten, vises innstillingspanelet for den.
Grunnleggende komponent:
"$schema": "",
"data": {
"layout": [
// Basic component (required properties)