Sist endret: 8. sep. 2021


Oversikt over endringer som ble introdusert i v2 av Altinn.Platform.Storage.Interface.

2.5.10 Dependency on .NETStandard2.0

  • The package was changed to depend on .NetStandard2.0 in place of .NetStandard2.1. This should ensure that applications based on .NET Framework 4.7 can use the package.

2.5.9 Expanded the eFormidlingContract with SecurityLevel

  • eFormidlingContract model was given a new property holding security level information. #5740

2.5.8 Extended eFormidlingContract with additional parameters

  • eFormidlingContract model was given three new properties to support eFormidling in apps. #5740

2.5.7 Extended eFormidlingContract with a new property: sendAfterTaskId

  • eFormidlingContract model was given a new property to identify which task should trigger an eFormidling shipment. #5740

2.5.6 Adjustments around PresentationField and texts

  • Fixes to how PresentationFields were annotated.
  • New class PresentationTexts to hold a list of texts generated by presentation field rules on an instance.

2.5.5 Added PresentationFields to Application

  • New class PresentationField to represent a data extraction rule.
  • Instance model was given a new property called presentationFields. #5638

2.5.4 Fix the OpenAPI specification of ReadStatus

  • ReadStatus was changed to be defined as a string. #5637

2.5.3 eFormidling support

  • Added a new model to support integration with eFormidling.

2.5.2 Dependency on .NETStandard2.1

  • The package was changed to depend on .NetStandard2.1 in place of .NETCoreApp3.1.
  • The dependency to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson package was removed and there is now instead a direct dependency to the Newtonsoft.Json package.

2.5.1 DataElement IsRead is true by default

  • The value of IsRead is changed to have default value true.