Sist endret: 16. aug. 2024

Altinn App Integration

How to get started sending notifications from an Altinn App

1. Create and Configure your Altinn App

To begin, create and configure your Altinn aAp using Altinn Studio and your preferred code editor. Ensure you are using version 8.1.0 or higher of the app NuGet packages to support native notifications. For optimal performance and security, we recommend always using the latest stable version.

Detailed documentation on Altinn App development in the Altinn Studio documentation.

2. Review policy for relevant resources in Altinn Resource Registry

Note: All intended recipients must be granted read through the policy of the resource.

Associating a notification with a resource results in the policy of said resource being used to identify the correct recipients of the notification. All intended recipients must be granted read through the policy of the resource.

A resource in this case can be both an Altinn App or a resource (tjenesteeierressurs).

For Altinn Apps, you must also ensure that the access-subject has read granted for all relevant tasks and events.

A new Altinn Resources can be registered in Altinn Studio or through an API. Please reference Altinn Resource Registry for instructions on how to create a new resource.

The policy for both Altinn Apps and other Altinn Resources can be managed in Altinn Studio. Please reference the Altinn Studio documentation on how to do this.

3. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and best practice for sending notifications

To ensure effective communication, it is essential to strictly define what qualifies as a notification and avoid overwhelming users with too many messages.

Familiarize yourself with our guidelines to understand what notifications should and should not contain, promoting digital safety and preventing notification fatigue.

For comprehensive details, please refer to our extensive documentation.

4. Configure your app to send notifications

Please reference the Altinn App reference documentation on how to set up you app to send notifications.