Get order details
Endpoint for retrieving details of a notification order, including its template and recipients.
GET /order/{id}
The {id} represents the unique identifier of the notification order for which details are to be retrieved.
This API requires authentication, and the request must include one of the following:
- Maskinporten scope altinn:serviceowner/notifications.create (for external system callers)
- Platform Access Token (for Altinn Apps and internal Altinn systems)
See Authentication and Authorization for more information.
Response codes
- 200 OK: The details of the notification order were successfully retrieved.
- 404 Not Found: No order matching the provided ID was found. Refer to the problem details in the response body for further information.
- 401 Unauthorized: Indicates a missing, invalid or expired authorization header.
- 403 Forbidden: Indicates missing or invalid scope or Platform Access Token.
- application/json
Response body
The response body is formatted as an NotificationOrderExt.cs and serialized as a JSON string.
Find a short description of each property below.
Type: Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
The ID of the notification order to which the retrieved details are associated.
Type: string
The abbreviated name of the entity or person who created the notification order.
Type: string
The sender’s reference provided by the creator in the notification order request.
Type: DateTime
The date and time at which the notifications generated by the order are scheduled to be sent to the recipients.
Type: DateTime
The date and time at which the notification order request was registered.
Type: enum NotificationChannel
The notification channel used to deliver the notification to recipient. It can be either Email or SMS.
Type: boolean
Determines whether an individual’s KRR reservation status should be ignored.
Type: string
The unique identifier of the Altinn resource to which the notifications are associated, as it is listed in the Altinn Resource Registry.
Type: List of RecipientExt
A list containing one or more recipient objects, where each recipient includes a national identity number, an organization number, an email address, or a mobile number.
Type: EmailTemplateExt
The email template used to generate email notifications.
Type: SmsTemplateExt
The SMS template used to generate SMS notifications.
Type: OrderResourceLinksExt
An object containing a set of self links for the notification order.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [INSERT ALTINN TOKEN]' \
--header 'PlatformAccessToken: [INSERT PLATFORM ACCESS TOKEN]'
200 OK
Response body contains the notification order with notification template and recipients.
Example Response: The following response illustrates a notification order designed to send an email to a single recipient.
"id": "f1a1cc30-197f-4f34-8304-006ce4945fd1",
"creator": "ttd",
"sendersReference": "demo-2023-01",
"requestedSendTime": "2023-12-12T14:13:27.8367317Z",
"created": "2023-12-12T14:13:27.8450294Z",
"notificationChannel": "Email",
"recipients": [
"emailAddress": ""
"emailTemplate": {
"fromAddress": "",
"subject": "A test email from Altinn Notifications",
"body": "A message sent from an application owner through Altinn.",
"contentType": "Plain"
"links": {
"self": "",
"status": ""
Example Response: The following response illustrates a notification order designed to send a customized email to a single recipient.
"id": "f1a1cc30-197f-4f34-8304-006ce4945fd1",
"creator": "ttd",
"sendersReference": "demo-2023-02",
"requestedSendTime": "2023-12-12T14:13:27.8367317Z",
"created": "2023-12-12T14:13:27.8450294Z",
"notificationChannel": "Email",
"recipients": [
"emailTemplate": {
"fromAddress": "",
"subject": "Important notification regarding your organization, $recipientName$",
"body": "Dear $recipientName$, this is an official notification regarding your organization, identified by the organization number $recipientNumber$. Please take the necessary actions.",
"contentType": "Plain"
"links": {
"self": "",
"status": ""
Example Response: The following response shows a notification order intended to send an SMS to a single recipient.
"id": "f1a1cc30-197f-4f34-8304-006ce4945fd1",
"creator": "ttd",
"sendersReference": "demo-2023-03",
"requestedSendTime": "2023-12-12T14:13:27.8367317Z",
"created": "2023-12-12T14:13:27.8450294Z",
"notificationChannel": "Sms",
"recipients": [
"mobileNumber": "+4799999999"
"smsTemplate": {
"senderNumber": "Altinn",
"body": "A text message sent by a service owner through Altinn."
"links": {
"self": "",
"status": ""
Example Response: The following response shows a notification order designed to send a customized SMS to a single recipient.
"id": "f1a1cc30-197f-4f34-8304-006ce4945fd1",
"creator": "ttd",
"sendersReference": "demo-2023-04",
"requestedSendTime": "2023-12-12T14:13:27.8367317Z",
"created": "2023-12-12T14:13:27.8450294Z",
"notificationChannel": "Sms",
"recipients": [
"smsTemplate": {
"senderNumber": "Altinn",
"body": "Dear $recipientName$, this is an official notification regarding your organization, identified by the organization number $recipientNumber$. Please take the necessary actions."
"links": {
"self": "",
"status": ""
404 Not Found
An empty response is returned with the 404 status code.